eonpatapon / contrail-api-cli

Simple CLI program to browse Contrail API server

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Installation Error on CentOS

ssmolsky opened this issue · comments

Hello: I'm not sure this is the correct forum to raise an issue regarding installation errors

When following the install instructions on a CentOS machine, I get the following errors.

Download error on https://pypi.python.org/simple/pbr/: [SSL: UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL] unknown protocol (_ssl.c:579) -- Some packages may not be found!
distutils.errors.DistutilsError: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('pbr>=2.0.0')

Can anybody provide guidance?
Also, does this require a specific version of Python? My environment is defaulting to python 2.7.

You seem to have an issue contacting pypi.
Do you have some proxy maybe ?

Thanks for the response. Proxy issue resolved.