eohne / YFinance.jl

Download historical stock market data from Yahoo Finance. Exposes stock, commodity, futures, currency (FX), mutual fund, and ETF prices, stock fundamental, summary data , and options data.

Home Page:https://eohne.github.io/YFinance.jl/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


eohne opened this issue · comments

Error while trying to register: "Tag with name v0.1.0 already exists and points to a different commit"

Error while trying to register: "Tag with name v0.1.1 already exists and points to a different commit"

Error while trying to register: "Tag with name v0.1.1 already exists and points to a different commit"

Error while trying to register: "Tag with name v0.1.1 already exists and points to a different commit"

Registration pull request created: JuliaRegistries/General/73911

After the above pull request is merged, it is recommended that a tag is created on this repository for the registered package version.

This will be done automatically if the Julia TagBot GitHub Action is installed, or can be done manually through the github interface, or via:

git tag -a v0.1.2 -m "<description of version>" 2b355eddb507d3bf3039079ce04ddc00f1d92106
git push origin v0.1.2

Also, note the warning: This looks like a new registration that registers version 0.1.2.
Ideally, you should register an initial release with 0.0.1, 0.1.0 or 1.0.0 version numbers
This can be safely ignored. However, if you want to fix this you can do so. Call register() again after making the fix. This will update the Pull request.

Registration pull request created: JuliaRegistries/General/74049

After the above pull request is merged, it is recommended that a tag is created on this repository for the registered package version.

This will be done automatically if the Julia TagBot GitHub Action is installed, or can be done manually through the github interface, or via:

git tag -a v0.1.3 -m "<description of version>" d2be3d1a6a55d032dd8cabb2acec58d9ae578a8d
git push origin v0.1.3

Also, note the warning: Version 0.1.3 skips over 0.1.1
This can be safely ignored. However, if you want to fix this you can do so. Call register() again after making the fix. This will update the Pull request.

Registration pull request created: JuliaRegistries/General/74052

After the above pull request is merged, it is recommended that a tag is created on this repository for the registered package version.

This will be done automatically if the Julia TagBot GitHub Action is installed, or can be done manually through the github interface, or via:

git tag -a v0.1.1 -m "<description of version>" 1b8f9b8c92f1acd3a13e0cb226f46a8cf235a749
git push origin v0.1.1

@JuliaRegistrator register


  • Return OrderedDict from OrderedCollections.jl instead of Dict
  • Exposing HTTP proxies of HTTP.jl


  • get_Fundamentals() does now return a timestamp


  • Added Documentation for the proxy settings
  • Added an Example Section:
  • Convert Price data to a DataFrame, TimeSeries.TimeArray, TSFrames.TSFrame
  • Examples of plotting some data exposed by YFinance.jl with PlotlyJS.jl
  • Added a version change log

New Dependencies

  • Base64
  • Needed for http proxy authentication
  • OrderedCollections.jl
  • Provides Ordered Dictionaries. Eases workflow with data because column order is not arbitrary and changing between calls.

Registration pull request created: JuliaRegistries/General/74992

After the above pull request is merged, it is recommended that a tag is created on this repository for the registered package version.

This will be done automatically if the Julia TagBot GitHub Action is installed, or can be done manually through the github interface, or via:

git tag -a v0.1.2 -m "<description of version>" 27a21f7435d3fe21537eac882058c7ead4dd4dbe
git push origin v0.1.2

@JuliaRegistrator register

Patch notes:


  • Return OrderedDict from OrderedCollections.jl instead of Dict
  • Exposing HTTP proxies of HTTP.jl


  • get_Fundamentals() does now return a timestamp


  • Added Documentation for the proxy settings
  • Added an Example Section:
  • Convert Price data to a DataFrame, TimeSeries.TimeArray, TSFrames.TSFrame
  • Examples of plotting some data exposed by YFinance.jl with PlotlyJS.jl
  • Added a version change log

New Dependencies

  • Base64
  • Needed for http proxy authentication
  • OrderedCollections.jl
  • Provides Ordered Dictionaries. Eases workflow with data because column order is not arbitrary and changing between calls.

Registration pull request updated: JuliaRegistries/General/74992

After the above pull request is merged, it is recommended that a tag is created on this repository for the registered package version.

This will be done automatically if the Julia TagBot GitHub Action is installed, or can be done manually through the github interface, or via:

git tag -a v0.1.2 -m "<description of version>" 089a78117f1c0b4f7e5bdce73f6c7acfab8a3cf5
git push origin v0.1.2

@JuliaRegistrator register

Patch notes:

Bug Fix

  • get_prices would error when autoadjust=true for some tickers when Yahoo returns nothing for some observations in the price time series. The update now does not error in this cases and returns NaN for the missing datapoints. NaN is used instead of Missing because of performance improvements and the ability to integrate YFinance.jl with TimeSeries.jl. (#5)
    • Thank you RaSi96 for reporting this bug and helping me sort it out!


  • Improved documentation for get_prices (#5)
    • When the range keyword is used instead of startdt and enddt the specified interval is not observed by Yahoo at longer ranges. To enforce the specified interval use startdt and enddt instead.
    • Data points that yahoo returns as nothing are returned as NaN. It seems like Yahoo thinks it should have price information for these timestamps but does not have them and thus returns nothing.


  • Added a test case for the stock "ADANIENT.NS". The time series of the stock prices contains the nothing values mentioned in the Bug Fix. (#5)

Registration pull request created: JuliaRegistries/General/80353

After the above pull request is merged, it is recommended that a tag is created on this repository for the registered package version.

This will be done automatically if the Julia TagBot GitHub Action is installed, or can be done manually through the github interface, or via:

git tag -a v0.1.3 -m "<description of version>" 9095629ddf12b4d856cdbf47228d71cf000c794c
git push origin v0.1.3

@JuliaRegistrator register

Patch Notes:

Bug Fix

  • get_prices now returns dictionaries containing price vectors of type Array{Float64} rather than Array{ Union{Nothing,Float64}} (#7)


  • get_prices now runs faster than before.

New Functionality

  • get_symbols allows the user to search for yahoo finance symbols from (partial) company/security names
  • get_all_symbols exposes all tickers from the NASDAQ, AMEX, and NYSE exchanges (#8)
  • search_news now allows for news searches


  • Added documentation for the new functionality
  • Added a clarification statement in the Readme.md and Docs that YFinance uses API endpoints to access data and does not suffer from decryption issues (#6)

Registration pull request created: JuliaRegistries/General/82302

After the above pull request is merged, it is recommended that a tag is created on this repository for the registered package version.

This will be done automatically if the Julia TagBot GitHub Action is installed, or can be done manually through the github interface, or via:

git tag -a v0.1.4 -m "<description of version>" eb64e2a62c7e48b310f7d634c6be195a850bb532
git push origin v0.1.4

@JuliaRegistrator register

Patch Notes:

Bug Fix

  • Implemented Cookies and Crumbs to fix get_quoteSummary() and all functions depending on it (#14)

Registration pull request created: JuliaRegistries/General/102126


After the above pull request is merged, it is recommended that a tag is created on this repository for the registered package version.

This will be done automatically if the Julia TagBot GitHub Action is installed, or can be done manually through the github interface, or via:

git tag -a v0.1.5 -m "<description of version>" 5385e351e0982bcdf16d6dc6072cde254ecc2e25
git push origin v0.1.5