enzymejs / react-shallow-renderer

Shallow rendering for React.

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Transfer to enzymejs org

ljharb opened this issue · comments

You've been invited to the repo; could we transfer the repo to the new enzyme org?

@ljharb thanks for the invite. Would you be able to present the benefits of associating it with the Enzyme org given this package itself has no dependency on Enzyme?

What depends on the shallow renderer besides enzyme? I’m under the impression that enzyme is the primary, and possibly only, consumer of it - enough that there’s been discussions with the react team about pulling it into enzyme for years.

Can someone try to explain why it is so important whether the code is in this or in a other repo to just fix important problems?
Placed in the react-test-renderer package as part of react the useEffect hook was introduced with noOp on January of 2019. And the same noOp code now lives in the react-shallow-renderer repo.

So, avoid the millions of useless mounts in tests out there flooding the DOMs just to cover effects/hooks... regardless of the concrete repo/owner... please...

@it11ah1 that sounds like a different issue, entirely unrelated to this one - perhaps file a new issue?

Any updates/movement on this? It would be great to get the ball rolling so improvements can start..

@NMinhNguyen @ljharb is there movement on resolving this? I understand it is partially blocking enzymejs/enzyme#2011

Sorry, been a little busy. Thanks for the reminder @mwallace72, I'll begin transferring to the Enzyme org soon, however it shouldn't really matter what org a package belongs to, there's nothing stopping a PR being opened against this repo.

Proper admin privileges and CI configuration and whatnot require it to be in an org; also in general, i prefer enzyme or the react team to own as many of enzyme's dependencies as possible.

@ljharb @NMinhNguyen what's the update on this?

@NMinhNguyen can you please transfer the repository ownership over to @ljharb and the Enzyme organization? This request has been standing for over a year now.

I wouldn't mind transferring but I'm afraid I don't have the capacity to do the following:

Proper admin privileges and CI configuration and whatnot require it to be in an org

@NMinhNguyen what that means is that once it's transferred, as an org admin i'll be able to fully administer the repo (as will you, as a repo admin). As your personal repo, you're the only person that can administer it.

As a personal admin, you can transfer it to the org on the "options" page in settings.

@NMinhNguyen what that means is that once it's transferred, as an org admin i'll be able to fully administer the repo (as will you, as a repo admin). As your personal repo, you're the only person that can administer it.

As a personal admin, you can transfer it to the org on the "options" page in settings.

Right, completely misinterpreted that! I thought that the codebase had to be in a certain shape before it was eligible to be transferred. I’ve transferred it now, so will go ahead and close this issue.

@ljharb could you invite the React core team members too? They had admin access to this repo when it was still my personal one.

The permissions have not changed, so anyone who had access still does.

Thank you! I'll add the task to my list for updating various things with the project.