Enzyme3 / pop-kustomize

End-to-End Google Cloud CI/CD example repo and tutorial

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Demo: Google Cloud CI/CD for GKE

This repo is based off of this demo, with modifications made to incorporate Cloud Build and Cloud Deploy private pools, usage of Anthos Connect Gateway for connecting to GKE clusters, and other security-focused changes.

This repo demostrates CI/CD for GKE with Google Cloud tools Google Cloud Deploy, Cloud Build, and Artifact Registry. The example app is based on a simple Python Flask example app named "Population Stats" and uses Kustomize overlays to enable configuration differences across three different environments: test, staging, and prod..

Demo flow

New Arch

Fork this repo

This demo relies on you making git check-ins to simulate a developer workflow. So you'll need your own copy of these files in your own Github.com repo.

Fork this repo on Github

If you've already done that, you can start the setup tutorial below.


The demo assumes that we are working in a semi-locked down environment that follows certain security-best practices, such as not using default service accounts(SAs), limiting access granted to SAs/admins, and enforcing key organization policy constraints

Deploying this demo is split into the following steps:

Step 1: Fork Repo

If you haven't already, fork this repo on Github While

Step 2: Setup pre-reqs

The demo assumes the following about the environment the pipeline will be deployed into:

  • 2X projects:
    • 1X to contain the CI/CD pipeline (aka CI/CD project)
    • 1X to contain the target GKE clusters (aka GKE project)
  • Org policies applied on both projects:
    • constraints/compute.vmExternalIpAccess
    • constraints/iam.allowedPolicyMemberDomains
    • constraints/compute.skipDefaultNetworkCreation
  • services enabled in both projects:
    • compute.googleapis.com
  • service enable in GKE project:
    • container.googleapis.com
  • Custom VPC/subnet created in both projects
  • 3X private GKE clusters created in GKE project
    • workload identity enabled in each cluster
    • clusters use a custom service account
    • control plane should be accessible to the machine running the deployment scripts, either by running the script in a network peered with the control plane, or by using authorized network

If needed, a terraform script under ./terraform/2_env-foundations has been provided to build out the above environment. To use, make a copy of ./terraform/2_env-foundations/terraform.tvars.template, rename it to ./terraform/2_env-foundations/terraform.tvars, and update the file with info specific to your environment.

Step #3: Enable Services and Setup IAM

Before deploying the pipeline, the following services have to be enabled and IAM permissions have to be granted:

Enable Services

Service to Enable Project
sourcerepo.googleapis.com CI/CD Project
cloudbuild.googleapis.com CI/CD Project
artifactregistry.googleapis.com CI/CD Project
containerscanning.googleapis.com CI/CD Project
servicenetworking.googleapis.com CI/CD Project
artifactregistry.googleapis.com CI/CD Project
cloudbuild.googleapis.com CI/CD Project
clouddeploy.googleapis.com CI/CD Project
cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com CI/CD Project
gkehub.googleapis.com CI/CD Project
serviceusage.googleapis.com CI/CD Project
connectgateway.googleapis.com CI/CD Project
anthos.googleapis.com CI/CD Project
gkeconnect.googleapis.com CI/CD Project


  • Create 3X service accounts(SAs) in the CI/CD project:
    • SA for cloud build
    • SA for cloud deploy
    • generate GCP-managed SA for gkehub by running: gcloud beta services identity create --service=gkehub.googleapis.com

Next, grant the permissions as indicated below:

Member Role Resource
admin roles/source.admin CI/CD Project
Cloud Build SA roles/source.reader CI/CD Project
admin roles/cloudbuild.builds.editor CI/CD Project
admin roles/storage.admin CI/CD Project
Cloud Build SA roles/storage.admin CI/CD Project
Cloud Deploy SA roles/storage.admin CI/CD Project
admin roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageConsumer CI/CD Project
admin roles/artifactregistry.admin CI/CD Project
Cloud Build SA roles/artifactregistry.writer CI/CD Project
admin roles/compute.networkAdmin CI/CD Project
admin roles/cloudbuild.workerPoolOwner CI/CD Project
admin roles/clouddeploy.admin CI/CD Project
Cloud Build SA roles/clouddeploy.releaser CI/CD Project
Cloud Build SA roles/logging.logWriter CI/CD Project
Cloud Deploy SA roles/logging.logWriter CI/CD Project
admin roles/gkehub.admin CI/CD Project
Cloud Deploy SA roles/gkehub.admin CI/CD Project
admin roles/container.admin GKE Project
admin roles/gkehub.gatewayAdmin CI/CD Project
Cloud Deploy SA roles/gkehub.gatewayAdmin CI/CD Project
GKE SA roles/artifactregistry.reader CI/CD Project
admin roles/iam.serviceAccountUser Cloud Build SA
admin roles/iam.serviceAccountUser Cloud Deploy SA
Cloud Build SA roles/iam.serviceAccountUser Cloud Deploy SA
GKE Hub SA roles/gkehub.serviceAgent CI/CD Project
GKE Hub SA roles/gkehub.serviceAgent GKE Project

If needed, a terraform script under ./terraform/3_enable-services-and-set-IAM has been provided to apply the above configs. To use, make a copy of ./terraform/3_enable-services-and-set-IAM/terraform.tvars.template, rename it to ./terraform/3_enable-services-and-set-IAM/terraform.tvars, and update the file with info specific to your environment.

Step #4: Mirror Github repo into Cloud Source Repositories

  • in the GCP console, navigate to Cloud Build > Triggers
  • Click on the MANAGE REPOSITORIES button
  • Select the global (non-regional) region and then click on the CONNECT REPOSITORY button
      1. Select Source: Click on the SHOW MORE dropdown, select the Github(legacy) radio button, and check-mark the consent box
      1. Authenticate: If prompted, authenticate to Github
      1. Select repository: select the fork you created of this repo
    • Don't follow prompts to create a trigger

Step #5: Deploy Pipeline

Pipeline can be deployed by either following the manual steps below, or by running the terraform script.

If going the terraform route, a terraform script under ./terraform/5_deploy_pipeline has been provided. To use, make a copy of ./terraform/5_deploy-pipeline/terraform.tvars.template, rename it to ./terraform/5_deploy-pipeline/terraform.tvars, and update the file with info specific to your environment

Manual Steps to Deploy Pipeline

# fill-env specific vars and run in shell to set env vars
VPC=<name of VPC in CICD project>
SA_CLOUDBUILD_EMAIL=<email of SA used by Cloud Build>
SA_CLOUDDEPLOY_EMAIL=<email of SA used by Cloud Deploy>
GKE_TEST=<name of test GKE cluster>
GKE_STAGE=<name of test GKE cluster>
GKE_PROD=<name of test GKE cluster>
GCS_LOGS=<name of bucket that will be created to store logs>
GH_REPO_NAME=<pop-kustomize, or name of your fork>
GH_REPO_FORK_OWNER=<the GH account you used to fork repo>

# create GCS bucket to store build/deploy logs
gcloud storage buckets create gs://$GCS_LOGS \
  --project $PROJECT_CICD \
  --location $REGION

# create Artifact Registry repo
gcloud artifacts repositories create pop-stats \
  --project $PROJECT_CICD \
  --location $REGION \
  --repository-format docker

# allocate named IP range for cloudbuild to use
gcloud compute addresses create cloudbuildrange \
  --project $PROJECT_CICD \
  --global \
  --purpose VPC_PEERING \
  --prefix-length 24 \
  --description "range for cloud build private pool" \
  --network projects/${PROJECT_CICD}/global/networks/${VPC}

# create private connection
gcloud services vpc-peerings connect \
  --service servicenetworking.googleapis.com \
  --ranges cloudbuildrange \
  --network $VPC \
  --project $PROJECT_CICD

# create cloud build private pool
gcloud builds worker-pools create my-private-pool \
  --project $PROJECT_CICD \
  --region $REGION \
  --peered-network projects/${PROJECT_CICD}/global/networks/${VPC} \

# create cloudbuild.yaml and fill in env-specific vars
sed "s/<PROJECT>/$PROJECT_CICD/g" cloudbuild.yaml.template > cloudbuild.yaml
sed -i "s/<REGION>/$REGION/g" cloudbuild.yaml
sed -i "s/<GCS>/$GCS_LOGS/g" cloudbuild.yaml

# create build trigger
gcloud beta builds triggers create cloud-source-repositories \
  --name my-trigger \
  --region $REGION \
  --build-config cloudbuild.yaml \
  --service-account projects/${PROJECT_CICD}/serviceAccounts/${SA_CLOUDBUILD_EMAIL} \
  --branch-pattern "^main$" \
  --project $PROJECT_CICD \
  --repo $CSR

# create clouddeploy.yaml and fill in env-specific vars
sed "s/<PROJECT_CICD>/$PROJECT_CICD/g" clouddeploy.yaml.template > clouddeploy.yaml
sed -i "s/<REGION>/$REGION/g" clouddeploy.yaml
sed -i "s/<GKE_TEST>/$GKE_TEST/g" clouddeploy.yaml
sed -i "s/<GKE_STAGE>/$GKE_STAGE/g" clouddeploy.yaml
sed -i "s/<GKE_PROD>/$GKE_PROD/g" clouddeploy.yaml
sed -i "s/<SA_CLOUDDEPLOY_EMAIL>/$SA_CLOUDDEPLOY_EMAIL/g" clouddeploy.yaml

# create cloud deploy pipeline
gcloud deploy apply \
  --file clouddeploy.yaml \
  --region $REGION \
  --project $PROJECT_CICD

# register test cluster to fleet
 gcloud container hub memberships register $GKE_TEST \
 --gke-uri=https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/${PROJECT_GKE}/locations/$REGION/clusters/$GKE_TEST \
 --enable-workload-identity \
 --project $PROJECT_CICD

# register stage cluster to fleet
 gcloud container hub memberships register $GKE_STAGE \
 --gke-uri=https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/${PROJECT_GKE}/locations/$REGION/clusters/$GKE_STAGE \
 --enable-workload-identity \
 --project $PROJECT_CICD

# register prod cluster to fleet
 gcloud container hub memberships register $GKE_PROD \
 --gke-uri=https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/${PROJECT_GKE}/locations/$REGION/clusters/$GKE_PROD \
 --enable-workload-identity \
 --project $PROJECT_CICD

# get context for test cluster
gcloud container hub memberships get-credentials $GKE_TEST \
  --project $PROJECT_CICD

# get context for stage cluster
gcloud container hub memberships get-credentials $GKE_STAGE \
  --project $PROJECT_CICD

# get context for prod cluster
gcloud container hub memberships get-credentials $GKE_PROD \
  --project $PROJECT_CICD

# set RBAC for test cluster
gcloud beta container hub memberships generate-gateway-rbac \
  --membership $GKE_TEST \
  --role clusterrole/cluster-admin \
  --project=$PROJECT_CICD \
  --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config \
  --context connectgateway_${PROJECT_CICD}_global_${GKE_TEST} \

# set RBAC for stage cluster
gcloud beta container hub memberships generate-gateway-rbac \
  --membership $GKE_STAGE \
  --role clusterrole/cluster-admin \
  --project=$PROJECT_CICD \
  --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config \
  --context connectgateway_${PROJECT_CICD}_global_${GKE_STAGE} \

# set RBAC for prod cluster
gcloud beta container hub memberships generate-gateway-rbac \
  --membership $GKE_PROD \
  --role clusterrole/cluster-admin \
  --project=$PROJECT_CICD \
  --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config \
  --context connectgateway_${PROJECT_CICD}_global_${GKE_PROD} \

Step #6: Test Pipeline

If you completed Step #5 using the provided terraform script, move the ./terraform/5_deploy-pipeline/cloudbuild.yaml file to the root of the this repo. If you completed Step #5 using the manual steps, the file should already be at the root.

Push cloudbuild.yaml to your fork's main branch. Note that the cloudbuild.yaml file MUST be at the root of the repo. Once the push is completed, Cloud Build will trigger and begin building the sample app and deploying it to the test cluster. Navigate to Cloud Deploy to promote the code to the higher environments.


End-to-End Google Cloud CI/CD example repo and tutorial

License:MIT License


Language:HCL 66.7%Language:Python 18.7%Language:HTML 11.8%Language:Dockerfile 2.7%