envoyproxy / java-control-plane

Java implementation of an Envoy gRPC control plane

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error "tar: unrecognized option '--include=*.proto'" when running update-api.sh

egor-ponomarev opened this issue · comments

I have ubuntu and when running update-api.sh I got an error:

tar: unrecognized option '--include=*.proto'
Try 'tar --help' or 'tar --usage' for more information.

I've tried using tar of 1.29 and 1.34 versions, with no success.
Seems that recent gnu tar doesn't support --include
https://stackoverflow.com/a/5748856/4477463 (check comments of the answer)

as a workaround I removed the '--include' lines from the tar invocation in the script to avoid the error