envoyproxy / java-control-plane

Java implementation of an Envoy gRPC control plane

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Install Security Policy App: Allstar

jeffmendoza opened this issue · comments

I'd like to install Allstar https://github.com/ossf/allstar https://github.com/apps/allstar-app on this repo as a trail for eventually enabling on all envoyproxy org repos.

Allstar checks repos for violations against configured security policies, and takes actions when out of compliance:


  • Branch Protection settings
  • SECURITY.md present
  • No non-org Admins (outside collaborators)
  • No binary artifacts.


  • Create a GitHub Issue
  • Fix the issue (being developed)

Which policies to enable and which action to take are configured via config files in either an org-level repo named .allstar or files in the individual repo. This lets org owners control the main repo to manage settings.

I'll work with the org-owners to get it installed and configured with settings appropriate for the Envoy community.
cc @lizan @htuch @mattklein123


Thanks! Just to reiterate: as of right now these policies should be passing on envoy repos, so there shouldn't be any noise. It will alert on changes.


This seems reasonable to me. @snowp?


friendly ping @snowp?

Already talked to @htuch on Slack about this, I'm in favor of this


Awesome, sorry about that! @jeffmendoza and I can make a PR for the configuration YAML


I've installed the app, please update when it's functional at your end :)