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Move Envoy Mobile into Envoy Proxy org

mattklein123 opened this issue · comments

Lyft is planning on moving https://github.com/lyft/envoy-mobile into the Envoy Proxy org so the project can benefit from a neutral holding ground and also be more tightly aligned with the core Envoy project with regard to CI, etc.

This is a tracking issue for public comment. We plan on doing this move a week from today unless there are objections.

cc @envoyproxy/maintainers for comments

Entirely biased +1 from me. As you all, probably, know I have been working on Envoy Mobile with the team at Lyft for the last 1+ year. Envoy Mobile will definitely benefit from the move as @mattklein123 described above.

Additionally, I believe that Envoy (and its codebase) also will benefit from the move, as Envoy Mobile tests the Envoy codebase in pretty novel ways. This has led to several bug fixes in Envoy over the last year.

Lastly, with Envoy in the server and Envoy Mobile in mobile clients, the Envoy ecosystem becomes a true universal network primitive. This is why I believe the community ultimately benefits from a tighter integration between the projects together under the same CNCF "roof".

Enthusiastic +1 from me too. I'm very excited to have a community built OSS HTTP/3 capable client stack and end-to-end Envoy :-)

Excited to see this happen! 🥳

Excited, and 100% on board.