EnterpriseCV-6 / Season-NeRF

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Examples images rendered over a year using Season NeRF.

Example of fixed time of year and changing viewing angle.

Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.01262

Quick Setup

Environment Setup

To set up 'Season_NeRF` environment:

conda env create --name Season_NeRF --file Sesaon.yml
conda activate Season_NeRF
pip install git+https://github.com/jonbarron/robust_loss_pytorch

Model Rendering

Given a trained model, the following command will render an image. An already trained model for several regions is available at https://purdue0-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/mgablema_purdue_edu/EVnwBTZY01hCpzQkMoCPkNIBUz8J59mDj6SxpCxPU8YVVw?e=8Tyf8U .

To render a novel view, call

python main_run_Season_NeRF.py --Model_Location arg1 --VA arg21 arg22 --SA arg31 arg32 --tf arg4

  • arg1: Folder conttaining Final_Model.nn and W2C_W2L_H.npy
  • arg21, arg22: Viewing elevation and azmuth angle in degrees
  • arg31, arg32: Solar elevation and azmuth angle in degrees
  • arg4: Time of year MM/DD format ex: July 4 -> 07/04

Data Setup Lite and Quick Start

This form of setup contains only a single region and requires ~314 MB.

To download and prepare the lite version of the data,

  1. Download and extract zip file from https://purdue0-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/mgablema_purdue_edu/Eb4TMYwDVi9IjV_TV4Fo0_YB7K9kkp0lweWFLd2Khq1QjA?e=qAsmn7
  2. Run python main_lite.py --Season_NeRF_Outputs PATH/TO/FILE/Season_NeRF_Lite_Data

This will train a model quicker but at a lower quality. To train a model using the recomended training settings, call

python main.py --exp_name arg1 --IO_Location arg2 --site_name arg3

  • arg1: Name of Experiment, data for output will be stored in arg2/Logs
  • arg2: PATH/TO/FILE/Season_NeRF_Lite_Data
  • arg3: OMA_281

however, this will take longer. Once training starts, progress can be viewed by running tensorboard --logdir PATH/TO/FILE/Season_NeRF_Lite_Data/Logs --port 6006 and following the link http://localhost:6006/#scalars

Data Setup Full

The full dataset requires ~22.5 GB of space. The data used by Season-NeRF is available to download at https://ieee-dataport.org/open-access/data-fusion-contest-2019-dfc2019. This process will allow a Season NeRF to be built on any of the region in the from the data fusion contest.

To download and prepare the data for Season-NeRF,

  1. Download the following files from https://ieee-dataport.org/open-access/data-fusion-contest-2019-dfc2019
    • Track 3 / Metadata (138.5 KB)
    • Track 3 / Training data / RGB images 1/2 (7.6 GB)
    • Track 3 / Training data / RGB images 2/2 (12.49 GB)
    • Track 3 / Training data / Reference (37.46 MB)
  2. Confirm the following files have been downloaded:
    • Track3-Metadata.zip
    • Train-Track3-RGB-1.zip
    • Train-Track3-RGB-2.zip
    • Train-Track3-Truth.zip
  3. Run main_setup_data.py --path_to_zip arg1 --Season_NeRF_Outputs arg2 --code_data_path arg3
    • arg1: Folder containing downloaded zips ex: /Downloads
    • arg2: Name of Folder to contain assets for and outputs of main.py ex: /Desktop/Code_IO/Season_NeRF
    • arg3: Location of Data folder from code, ex: /Githubcode/NeRFs/Season_NeRF

If the data folder has been set up correctly, you should see the following message ``Finished setting up data!''.

Building Season NeRF

After running the data setup, the following command can be used to train a Season NeRF.

python main.py --exp_name arg1 --IO_Location arg2 --site_name arg3

  • arg1: Name of Experiment, data for output will be stored in arg2/Logs
  • arg2: Same as arg2 from running main_setup_data.py
  • arg3: Name of the region to build Season NeRF on ex: OMA_042, OMA_132

Once training starts, progress can be viewed by running tensorboard --logdir arg2/Logs --port 6006 and following the link http://localhost:6006/#scalars

Advanced Running

Useful Arguments

  • --skip_Bundle_Adjust: Does not use Bundle-Adjusted RPCs for training
  • --Use_MSE_loss: Use MSE loss instead of Barron's Loss for training
  • --Solar_Type_2: Use Solar loss described in S-NeRF

Cache Information

The cache stores non-NeRF-related information. When running, main.py will check the cache for relevant files before creating them. Any file deleted in the cache will be rebuilt if needed, EXCEPT FOR .ikono files. These files were generated via the Lego pipeline, and that code is not included. If the .ikono files are not available, it is necessary to include --skip_Bundle_Adjust when running main.py Most files in the cache can be deleted after completion of the program with minimal impact on future test run times.

Overview of files in cache:

  • .bounds_LLA_*.npy: Contains Lat, Lon, and Height bounds for the region
  • *.pickle: Contains information for the affine approximation of the RPC
  • .ikono file: Contains original or corrected RPCs for the region (do not delete as they cannot be recovered without Lego pipeline)
  • Full_Scores_*.npy: Contains a summary of the accuracy of affine approximation to RPCs
  • SC_*.npy: Contains height map used to guide training (Takes a long time to build)



Language:Python 100.0%