ensaltnrk / Minishell

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The existence of shells is linked to the very existence of IT. At the time, all coders agreed that communicating with a computer using aligned 1/0 switches was seriously irritating. It was only logical that they came up with the idea to communicate with a computer using interactive lines of commands in a language somewhat close to english.The objective of this project is to create a simple shell using c.

#Allowed functions and some my used fonctions: readline, rl_clear_history, rl_on_new_line, rl_replace_line, rl_redisplay, add_history, printf, malloc, free, write, access, open, read, close, fork, wait, waitpid, wait3, wait4, signal, sigaction, sigemptyset, sigaddset, kill, exit, getcwd, chdir, stat, lstat, fstat, unlink, execve, dup, dup2, pipe, opendir, readdir, closedir, strerror, perror, isatty, ttyname, ttyslot, ioctl, getenv, tcsetattr, tcgetattr, tgetent, tgetflag, tgetnum, tgetstr, tgoto, tputs

The Project consist of two parts :


    1. readline
    2. pipes
    3. Command and arguments
    4. Protections
    5. The <,>, >> redirects
    6. Environment variables
    7. The separations
    8. history

The execution

    1. Redirects
    2. Env, export, unset, echo, cd
    3. Exit and $?
    4. Pipes / signals / process links 


Use the Makefile




## Resources
https://cs61.seas.harvard.edu/site/2019/Section7/ <br>
https://qastack.fr/unix/159513/what-are-the-shells-control-and-redirection-operators <br>
https://theswissbay.ch/pdf/Gentoomen%20Library/Programming/Bash/O%27Reilly%20bash%20CookBook.pdf <br>
https://ast-viewer.datacamp.com/editor?code=echo%20%22hello%22%20%20%22cjnjnc%22%20%3E%20file1%20%3E%20fileb&start=NA&grammar=shell <br>
https://bottlecaps.de/rr/ui <br>
https://codes-sources.commentcamarche.net/forum/affich-10047436-developper-un-shell-de-base <br>
https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/index.html#SEC_Contents <br>
https://dev.to/tanishqsingla/termios-564j <br>



Language:C 78.8%Language:Roff 19.7%Language:Makefile 1.4%