ennioma / EMAccordionTableViewController

Accordion effect for UITableView

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Application crash on click of section cell

mistrydarshan99 opened this issue · comments

when i click first section its child data open properly and i close first section its close properly.

when i scroll tableview and distance between two section is minimum like below(distance between Set 1 and Set 2) and i click on first section(on click Set 1) then application work fine in simulator but crash in device

Device = iPad
Os version = 6.1.3

Could you give me more info about the crash? I tried to replicate it on different devices but I was unable.

Thank you for taking time in using the lib!

Hello sir,

Crash issue steps:

  1. get more than 12 sections with their child info.
  2. click on first level cell its child data is shown.
  3. click on second section its child data is also shown properly.
  4. now scroll up side and make minimum distance between first level section and second level section (as shown above second image distance between set 1 and set 2)
  5. Now click on first level sections app is crash.

Did the crash happen in didSelectRowAtIndexPath? Do you have correctly set the class that present the table? Follow my ViewController.m for further details.