enewhuis / liquibook

Modern C++ order matching engine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Multithreaded scenario

geronimo22 opened this issue · comments

Hello, I was wondering if you have done some performance testing of your book in a multithreaded scenario? For e.g. 1 thread per book, and a total of X threads writing to their respective books.

I ask because I noticed you're stl collection and are relying on stl::allocator. With multiple threads hitting the team simultaneously, I wonder how will the performance change.

Hello, I was wondering if you have done some performance testing of your book in a multithreaded scenario? For e.g. 1 thread per book, and a total of X threads writing to their respective books.

No, we haven't tested in that environment.

I ask because I noticed you're stl collection and are relying on stl::allocator. With multiple threads hitting the team simultaneously, I wonder how will the performance change.

This is definitely something to look into in the future. Thanks for your interest.