EndlessSky512 / hexo-next-theme

Modified configuration next theme

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

中文介绍 | nexT Demo


We mainly performed the following configuration operations on the next theme.

  • Set Chinese language
  • Set blogger text description
  • Set up blog article connections format is year/month/day/title.html
  • Menu add about, tags, categories, interactions, search menus
  • Disable about, label, and category menu comments
  • Add RSS
  • Set the background image. Disabled by default,in themes/nexT/source/css/_custom/custon.styl file open
  • Set Canvas_nest dynamic background
  • Image quick load settings
  • WeChat Alipay reward function
  • Click to appear the heart effect
  • Home article add shadow effect
  • Set code highlighting
  • header bar background color
  • Background color of the footer bar
  • Implement the red fork me on github in the upper right corner. Disabled by default, can be enabled in the themes/nexT/_config.yml file github_banner
  • Modify the link text style within the article
  • Modify the label style at the bottom of the article
  • Add an "End of article" tag at the end of the article
  • Set Avatar
  • Add traffic to the footer of the site
  • Word count at the bottom of the site
  • Add website runtime at the bottom of the site
  • Add a dynamic heart at the bottom of the site
  • Add filing information at the bottom of the website
  • Bottom hidden by Hexo powerful drive, theme - NexT.Mist
  • Set the website icon Favicon
  • Implement article text statistics and reading time
  • Add a force to follow the cloud function. (You need to register yourself to get the ID)
  • Remove the bottom count statistics
  • Modify font size
  • Add DaoVoice online contact. (You need to register yourself to get the ID)
  • Sidebar social small icons set
  • Add sidebar recommended reading
  • Modify the sidebar background image
  • Modify the sidebar text color
  • Add copyright information at the bottom of the article
  • Add a site search to the Hexo blog
  • Modify the color of the selected character
  • Add aplay music player
  • Add a cartoon in the lower right corner of the blog
  • Added 3D library three_waves, closed by default
  • Added canvas page ribbon
  • Added home page loading loading progress
  • Increase the picture lazy loading lazyload
  • Added fancybox
  • Added fastclick to resolve latency issues
  • Added gulp compression web page css js style

Operating Step

  1. Install [node.js]
  2. Install [git]
  3. clone repository to local
  4. Enter next-template directory RUN npm install hexo --saveto load node_modules

Custom configuration items

After the next theme is downloaded, in addition to the content update described in the above Directory, the user also needs to change some of his own additional information.

Master configuration file _config.yml parameter

$ vi <folder>/_config.yml
title: 派 | Pyker   #Edit blog title
description: 与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。     #Modify description blogger description
url: https://www.ipyker.com    # Modify your website address
  repository: https://github.com/ipyker/ipyker.github.io    #Modify into your own github pages address

Theme configuration file _config.yml parameter

favicon:    # Edit website icon
  small: /images/favicon-16x16-next.png
  medium: /images/favicon-32x32-next.png
  apple_touch_icon: /images/apple-touch-icon-next.png
  safari_pinned_tab: /images/logo.svg

beian:      # Modify the record number 
  enable: true
  icp: 粤ICP备19028706号

github_banner:    # Modify github banner address
  enable: true
  permalink: https://github.com/ipyker

social:            # Edit social addresses and icons
  GitHub: https://github.com/ipyker || github
  E-Mail: mailto:pyker@qq.com || envelope
  Weibo: https://weibo.com/viszhang || weibo
  QQ: tencent://message/?uin=xxxxxxxxx&Site=&menu=yes || qq

links:        # Modify recommended reading
  运维生存时间: http://www.ttlsa.com/
  爱运维: https://www.iyunw.cn
  Nginxconfig: https://nginxconfig.io/
  Linux命令手册: http://linux.51yip.com/
  echarts可视化库: https://echarts.baidu.com/index.html

  url: /images/avatar.jpg      #Modify the blog avatar

reward:        #Modify the reward QR code
  wechatpay: /images/reward/wechatpay.png
  alipay: /images/reward/alipay.png

livere_uid: MTAyMC80NDM5Mi8yMDkyNA==   # Modify to force the comment key, otherwise you can't manage the comment


Modified configuration next theme


Language:CSS 57.2%Language:JavaScript 42.0%Language:CoffeeScript 0.7%