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[Issue] Music panel not showing up for firefox

clsty opened this issue · comments

  • I have read the instructions and I have a problem with branch: Illogical impulse

The issue

  • The following keybind seems do nothing on my PC even when music is playing (and the bar of ags is showing that properly):
bind = Super, M, exec, ags run-js 'openMusicControls.value = (!Mpris.getPlayer() ? false : !openMusicControls.value);'

And when I run the following commands in terminal:

ags run-js 'openMusicControls.value = (!Mpris.getPlayer() ? false : !openMusicControls.value);'
ags run-js 'openMusicControls.value;'
ags run-js 'Mpris.getPlayer();'

the outputs are all always undefined (even when music is playing).

EDIT: I just realised that this command is for popping out the music player panel on the top bar.
And yes, I tried to click on the music player panel, but nothing happens, nothing poped up.

  • ags run-js always returns undefined
  • does your whatever music app have mpris integration?

I'm using firefox. Arch Wiki says it is one of supported MPRIS clients.

When firefox is playing music,

dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames|grep mpris

gives output: string "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.firefox.instance_1_37"


playerctl play-pause

did toggle pausing the music.

So, I think the problem here is not about mpris, but the music panel not showing up, right?
What else can I do to debug?

  • Do you have plasma browser integration browser extension and package? Get them if not. Note that you might need to run the host process manually or relog
  • You can install playerctl and run playerctl -F metadata to check if there's sufficient data. It should show a bunch of plasma-browser-integration properties

Do you have plasma browser integration browser extension and package?

Yes, I already have it both as firefox extension enabled and as Arch package plasma-browser-integration installed.

run playerctl -F metadata to check if there's sufficient data. It should show a bunch of plasma-browser-integration properties

Here's output:

firefox mpris:trackid             '/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2/firefox'
firefox xesam:title               <The title of page playing the music, sorry I have to remove this info>
firefox xesam:album               
firefox xesam:artist

And for the screenshot you provided, I get it that I'm missing the org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.plasma-browser... entry in dbus, but I don't know why as I did already have both the extension and the package.

I'll try clementine (another supported mpris client) and a new profile for firefox later.

Oh yeah, for clementine the music panel (as well the keybinding super+M) works.

Now the problem falls on firefox.

can you try firefox + youtube?

can you try firefox + youtube?

Sorry, but that's restricted in my region.

I just ran firefox --ProfileManager and created a new profile named test, and installed the Plasma Integration extension.

Restart firefox with the profile test, and open some media site, the music panel popped up!

So, the problem solved, although I still don't know why the old profile (also with Plasma Integration extension installed) doesn't work.

I highly appreciate your help. Thank you!