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Chat button not working on website

nicolas-chaulet opened this issue · comments

When clicking on the "Chat" button on the website it open a sidebar which seems broken (Chrome, MacOS).

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 15 53 21


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@tomchristie What do you want to do with it? It fails on uvicorn, starlette and httpx.

It looks like gitter removed support for their embed widget in their UI overhaul.

I think we need to delete docs/js/chat.js and docs/js/sidecar-1.5.0.js from our projects?

Hi I'm new to contribution can I take on this issue? if all what you need is deleting the js files in docs/js?

I made a PR to comment out the js files from mkdocs.yml without deleting docs/js folder.
sorry if this sounds like a spam @Kludex

It's not a spam. Thanks for the PR.

I've reviewed it.

This was fixed. 🙏