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when is `on_receive` invoked in WebSocketEndpoint?

xdewx opened this issue · comments

class JsonEndpoint(WebSocketEndpoint):
    @return {*}

    encoding = "json"

    async def on_connect(self, websocket: WebSocket):
        await websocket.accept()
        logger.info("connection accepted")

    async def on_receive(self, websocket: WebSocket, data: dict):
        @description: 对于json来说,这里的data会被上层解析为dict
        @param {*} self
        @param {WebSocket} websocket
        @param {dict} data
        @return {*}
        logger.e("%s:%s", data, type(data))
        # TODO:为什么这里得到的data不是dict而是str
        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = json.loads(data)
        data = JsonRequest.parse_obj(data)

As code above:

  1. entend WebSocketEndpoint
  2. override on_receive method
  3. set encoding='json'
    then why typeof param data in on_receive is str not dict? It is very strange! it seems that self.decode didnot work.