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Stylus related techs

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Return css-preprocessor

tarmolov opened this issue · comments

The css-preprocesor was removed in #8. It affects project build process dramatically.

For example, I wanna include a css file into my project but I cannot do it because of error:

500 TypeError: /project/node_modules/pikaday/css/pikaday.css:55
  51|     z-index: 9998;
  52|     margin: 0;
  53|     left: 0;
  54|     top: 5px;
> 55|     filter: alpha(opacity=0);
  56|     opacity: 0;
  57| }

Please, return css-preprocessor logic.

//cc @andrewblond, @mdevils

Seems it's not fixed completely.

It breaks images connected to css. I recommend to revert this change. We dropped a plenty of patches to make this run, and it still doesn't.

@tarmolov @mdevils Actually fixed version of Stylus was not released in npm yet.

@Panya promised to do it by the end of the next week: https://github.com/LearnBoost/stylus/issues/1675#issuecomment-54320022

Can we wait till then?

I didn't get it. @Panya is going to implement another parser for CSS to only process url function calls? How is this going to be fixed in stylus?

as far as I understand, they just bypass css files without any processing so @tarmolov's case will be resolved

How CSS image urls will keep beeing processed? (like in previous versions of this tech)

Is there anybody here? :)

The issue was solved by #20.