enaess / network-manager-sstp

Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Extention for Network Manager

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Can't create SSTP VPN connection using Python 3 dbus

Russell-Jones-OxPhys opened this issue · comments

e.g. Try the following to create a VPN entry. Should I use different APIs, or are these not implemented/exposed? Do you have any idea what would need to change in the C source to make them work as they are if it's a matter of them not being implemented? Would org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings (at least .AddConnection()) need to be implemented explicitly?

The properties used are those in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Example\ VPN (if created via the NM GUI), which are also listed at https://github.com/enaess/network-manager-sstp/blob/master/src/nm-sstp-service.c#L88

There's a direct mapping between the config file and the dbus settings for wifi connections. Is this untrue for the SSTP and PPTP plugins?

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import dbus
import os
import uuid

bus = dbus.SystemBus()
ssn = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"
sysproxy = bus.get_object(ssn, "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings")
settings = dbus.Interface(sysproxy, ssn + ".Settings")
s_vpn = dbus.Dictionary({
            'ca-cert' : '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/my-cert-chain.pem', 
            'user' : 'username',
            'refuse-eap': True, 
            'refuse-chap': True, 
            'gateway' : 'vpn.example.com', 
            'domain' : 'EXAMPLE', 
            'refuse-pap' : True, 
            'password-flags' : '0', 
            'proxy-password-flags' : '0', 
            'service-type' : 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.sstp'
# Only service-type is allowed, all others raise org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.Connection.InvalidProperty: vpn.xyz: unknown property

s_secs = dbus.Dictionary({
             'password' : 'password',
# nmcli con modify 'Example SSTP' vpn.secrets 'password = xxx'
# works, this doesn't

s_con = dbus.Dictionary({
    'id': 'Example SSTP',
    'type': 'vpn',
    'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
    'permissions': ['user:'+os.environ['USER']],
    'autoconnect' : False,

s_ip4 = dbus.Dictionary({'method' : 'auto'})

s_ip6 = dbus.Dictionary({
    'method' : 'ignore',
    'ip6-privacy' : False,
    'addr-gen-mode' : 1, # 'stable-privacy' ?

con = dbus.Dictionary({
    'connection': s_con,
    'vpn': s_vpn,
    'ipv4': s_ip4,
    'ipv6': s_ip6,
    'vpn-secrets' : s_secs,


OK, I figured it out using

import dbus
from pprint import pprint

bus = dbus.SystemBus()

ssn = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"

sysproxy = bus.get_object(ssn, "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings")
settings = dbus.Interface(sysproxy, ssn + ".Settings")
c = settings.ListConnections()[0]

for conn in settings.ListConnections():
    connproxy = bus.get_object(ssn, conn)
    conn = dbus.Interface(connproxy, ssn+'.Settings.Connection')

The connection object has a different form for VPN connections from WiFi connections. So I had to do

import dbus
import uuid
import os

bus = dbus.SystemBus()

ssn = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"

sysproxy = bus.get_object(ssn, "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings")

settings = dbus.Interface(sysproxy, ssn + ".Settings")

s_vpn = dbus.Dictionary({
            'ca-cert' : '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/my-cert-chain.pem', 
            'user' : 'usernmae', 
            'refuse-eap': 'yes', 
            'refuse-chap': 'yes', 
            'gateway' : 'vpn.example.com', 
            'domain' : 'EXAMPLE', 
            'refuse-pap' : 'yes', 
            'password-flags' : '0', 
            'proxy-password-flags' : '0', 

s_secs = dbus.Dictionary({
             'password' : 'password',

s_con = dbus.Dictionary({
    'id': 'Example SSTP',
    'type': 'vpn',
    'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
    'permissions': ['user:'+os.environ['USER']],
    'autoconnect' : False,

s_ip4 = dbus.Dictionary({'method' : 'auto'})

s_ip6 = dbus.Dictionary({
    'method' : 'ignore',
    'ip6-privacy' : False,
    'addr-gen-mode' : 1, # 'stable-privacy' ?

con = dbus.Dictionary({
    'connection': s_con,
    'vpn': dbus.Dictionary({ 
                'data': s_vpn,
                'service-type' : ('org.freedesktop.'
                'secrets' : s_secs,
    'ipv4': s_ip4,
    'ipv6': s_ip6,
