emtwelve / paintata

AngularJS / HTML project to retrive, filter, search, and sort tax data and to display contract spending data in Baltimore.

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AngularJS / HTML project to retrive, filter, search, and sort tax data and to display contract spending data in Baltimore.



################### To run the project type: ./run.sh (You may have to give permissions to run this file: chmod +x run.sh) -OR- /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome index.html

To run the test suite type: ./test_suite.sh (You may have to give permissions: chmod +x test_suite.sh) (Note: this opens up a bunch of web pages)




Fill out "Chart width", "Chart height", "Chart type", "Chart label", and "Chart value" to dynamically change the chart that displays the Tax Data. ("Chart value" will change how the data is ordered. For example, if "Chart value" is "City Tax", then the data will be ordered by "City Tax").

Fill out the number of records to be displayed in the table (and consequently the number of records in the chart) via "Limit". "Offset" is the offset into the retrieved data (for example, if "Offset" is 1, then we will not display the otherwise first entry, and we would display one entry more at the end).

Check "Reverse" or not. This determines whether the data is ordered ascending or descending. Note that this is reflected in the chart's subcaption.

Enter in text for a full-text search via "Search". This is case-sensitive.

Possibly lookup a single record by its property ID with "ID lookup". Some examples to try are: Try "1386 002" for "ID lookup"

Enter in filters for "Ward", "Sect", and/or "Coun Distr" (Council District). One can see examples of possible wards, sectors, and council districts by looking at the table below the chart.

Press "Fetch Tax Data" to submit a request to retrieve the data. Note that this button only has to be pressed when altering "Limit", "Offset", "Reverse", "Ward", "Sect", or "Coun Distr". Editing anything else will automatically update the graph.

Alternative to all the above steps: press "Fetch Spending Data" to retrieve data corresponding to Baltimore Contract Spending Data by Agency. This data retrieval and display is not dependent on any of the inputs mentioned above.




AngularJS framework

Fusion Charts:
Angular Charts:

jQuery (for Bootstrap)

    To query the Baltimore datasets with SoQL
The queried Baltimore data sets:
Express from npm




I use SoQL queries to retrive the Baltimore data. The queries are like so: https://data.baltimorecity.gov/resource/6act-qzuy.json? $$app_token=e84J9MwiPjWzzSDSHDTz9po1x &$limit=100 &$offset=0 &$order=citytax ...

The ordering is based on the "chartvalue" variable in the ng model. This also determines what values are displayed along the y-axis.

It is possible to order differently from that of chartvalue by changing the url parameters explicitly. Check out test_suite.sh for examples.

propertyid lookup must match exactly. An extra space had to be added to the end because the propertyid is stored in the database as a string with a trailing space at the end of it.




Files included in project:

    The single webpage of this project.

    My javascript to manage (filter, retrieve, order) the incoming data
    from the Baltimore page.
    There are two main control flows in this file.  One for querying
    the Baltimore Tax Data (more complicated) and one for querying
    the Contract Data (simple).  The Tax Data querying
    uses the following functions:
        getTaxData, buildWhereClause, reorderTaxData, relabelTaxData.
    Whereas the Contract Data querying (which does not depend on input)
    uses only:
        getSpendingData, relabelSpendingData.

    Page for the style of my webpage.
    The table style is cited in the .css file.

    Directory containing downloaded fusioncharts library.

    Script to start the webapp.

    Script to start multiple instances of this webapp with
    different url parameters as test cases.

    This file.








################### When displaying lotsize, some lots have odd formats that are not parsed correctly by the default SoQL sorter. i.e. lot sizes such as "X134", "REAR PART 697 S.F", and "O-98 ACRES" will not be correctly interpreted. Note: remove this in the future. I'm keeping it here for now; just simply acknowledging it.


AngularJS / HTML project to retrive, filter, search, and sort tax data and to display contract spending data in Baltimore.


Language:JavaScript 56.4%Language:HTML 38.5%Language:CSS 4.2%Language:Shell 0.8%