emreaksan / CHOP

Matlab Code for ECCV 2014 paper "A Graph Theoretic Approach for Object Shape Representation in Compositional Hierarchies using a Hybrid Generative-Descriptive Model". Includes vocabulary learning and basic test image inference code. The code is regularly updated to have new features.

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README FOR CHOP - Compositional Hierarchy of Parts

This file is meant to help the developer who will use CHOP base
algorithm in order to learn visual hierarchical vocabularies.

// Only minimal descriptions are given for now, they will be 
// improved over time.

Important notice: Some parts of the code are now hidden, since 
they contain some modifications over the ECCV code which have 
not been documented in a paper yet. We sincerely apologize 
for any inconvenience caused. We will try our best to make these
parts and more improvements available really soon.

The algorithm is implemented entirely in Matlab. It has been
tested with 2012a and up. If you have any problems, please ping 
rusenaktas <at> gmail <dot> com. You can also use the Issues section
on our Github page.

%% *************** Running the Code *************** %%

1) In order to run the code and learn a hierarchy of parts in an 
unsupervised manner, place all of your images under 
<CHOP_PATH>/input/<DATASET_NAME>/vocab . They can be in sub-folders.
If there are ground truth masks (either in form of boundary box 
or binary mask of segments), they can be placed under 
<CHOP_PATH>/input/<DATASET_NAME>/gt . All program specific parameters are in 
<CHOP_PATH/parameters/SetParametersCommon.m file. If you wish to have a separate parameter
file for a dataset, feel free to make a copy of SetParametersCommon.m
under the same folder with the name SetParameters<DATASET_NAME>.m and
change any parameters you wish. The program will use a dataset-specific
parameter file whenever it can, reverting back to the common version
in case no parameter file is set for the dataset.

The routine for training vocabulary is :

>> runVocabularyLearning(<DATASET_NAME>, <FILE_EXT>) 

where <DATASET_NAME> is the name of the dataset, and 
      <FILE_EXT> is the extension of every file in the dataset.
    Examples of <FILE_EXT> can be: '.png', '.jpg', '.gif', ... 

2) In order to run inference in test images, place all of your test
images under <CHOP_PATH>/input/<DATASET_NAME>/test .
Similarly, test inference over all images under the test folder 
can be initiated with:

>> runTestInference(<DATASET_NAME>, <FILE_EXT>);

3) An additional script that keeps logs and calls both training and
inference is provided in Experiment.m. It can be called as:

>> Experiment(<DATASET_NAME>, <FILE_EXT>);

 %% *************** Understanding the Output *************** %%

1) The output of the program is put under 
folders. debug folder includes the visualizations of the vocabulary 
elements across all layers. For the output folder:
    ./output/<DATASET_NAME>/vb.mat includes the 'vocabulary'. Explanation
    of a vocabNode (basic building block) is given in its class file. 
    The vocabulary includes all learned parts across all levels.

    ./output/<DATASET_NAME>/trtime.mat Total time spent on training.
    ./output/<DATASET_NAME>/tetime.mat Total time spent on inference 
    (only graphical inference).
    ./output/<DATASET_NAME>/preInhibition_l.mat Statistics in lth level
    before inhibition.

    ./output/<DATASET_NAME>/postInhibition_l.mat Statistics in lth level
    after inhibition.

    ./output/<DATASET_NAME>/export.mat Exported realizations of TRAINING
    images. It is of the form (exportArr): 
        [labelId, node1, node2, levelId, imageId;
        [labelId2, node21, node22, levelId2, imageId2;
        [labelId3, node31, node32, levelId3, imageId3;

        labelId can be used to index in 'vocabulary'.
        levelId is the id of the level. They start from 1, and may go up to 20.
        imageId is the id of the image the realization is seen in. It can be
        used to index into categoryArr, categoryArrIdx, poseArr, trainingFileNames
        to learn various information regarding the image.
    ./output/<DATASET_NAME>/smoothed Mean response image for level 1 Gabors.

    ./output/<DATASET_NAME>/original Original images, downsampled if they are 
    too big.

    ./output/<DATASET_NAME>/test/inference includes 'exportArr's of the given
    format for each test image. The learned parts are hierarchically searched 
    for in every test image. 

    ./output/<DATASET_NAME>/reconstruction includes visualizations of realizations
    in both training and test images across all levels.

%% *************** PAPER *************** %%

If you use the code, please cite the following paper:
Umit Rusen Aktas, Mete Ozay, Aleš Leonardis, Jeremy L. Wyatt: A Graph Theoretic Approach for Object Shape Representation in Compositional Hierarchies Using a Hybrid Generative-Descriptive Model. ECCV (3) 2014: 566-581

Sept. 8, 2014 Umit Rusen Aktas


Matlab Code for ECCV 2014 paper "A Graph Theoretic Approach for Object Shape Representation in Compositional Hierarchies using a Hybrid Generative-Descriptive Model". Includes vocabulary learning and basic test image inference code. The code is regularly updated to have new features.
