emqx / qmqtt

MQTT client for Qt

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Is there some additional documentation beyond the README available?

benthillerkus opened this issue · comments

Some concrete questions I have:

  • What do the disconnect functions do? How do they differ from disconnectFromHost? disconnect and connect are inherited from QObject and refer to the signals/slot system
  • Is setHostName just a shortcut for setHost?
  • How do the autoReconnect methods work?

Generally from the listed slots and signals on the Readme the library checks all the boxes for me and from trying it out, the API seems really good, but I'd love some written documentation or something to read into.


Q: Is there some additional documentation beyond the README available?
A: Nope, but any help is appreciated

Q: Is setHostName just a shortcut for setHost?
A: No, there is a small different. The setHost function receives a parameter of type QHostAddress, which represents an IP address, but cannot represent a host name. The setHostName function receives a string which can represent both host name and IP address. Apart from that, they have the same purpose: identify the machine to connect with.

Alright, I'll see if I can write some docs or contribute some examples when I'm done with the project I'm working on 😀