emqx / emqx-docs

EMQX product documentation

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kliein opened this issue · comments

ERROR: /usr/lib/emqx/erts-14.2.1/bin/beam.smp: error while loading shared libraries: libtinfo.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ERROR: Please ensure it is running on the correct platform:
ERROR: arch: "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
wordsize: 64
os: "el8"
erlang: "26.2.1-2"
elixir: "none"
relform: "rpm"
ERROR: Version=5.5.0
ERROR: Required dependencies: openssl-1.1.1 (libcrypto), libncurses and libatomic1

Hi @kliein. In the tarball installation example we mention that this example is for CentOS 8.
For CentOS 7.x please change el8 to el8.

Hi @kliein. In the tarball installation example we mention that this example is for CentOS 8. For CentOS 7.x please change el8 to el8.

change el8 to el8?

el8 to el7