emoncms / AndroidApp

Emoncms Android app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Maximum number of accounts possible is restricted by settings page

pb66 opened this issue · comments


Originally reported on the forum

When 5 accounts are set up the general settings and app version are really difficult to use as they are squashed to the very bottom of the screen, those 2 items scroll within a sub menu but the list of accounts and the "add account" remain fixed.

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Adding a 6th account is possible but that's ya lot. The general settings and app version scrolable sub menu is gone, so has the "add account"

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however it does seem the account list is scroll able if more accounts could be added as seen when the orientation is changed.

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It doesn't however let you scroll to the general settings, language and app version. to keep them accessible in landscape mode you need to only have one or at most 2 accounts

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The max number of accounts usable is directly linked to screen size, I can fit up to 11 accounts on my old hudl2 in portrait mode.

@glynhudson is this still an issue?