eminiarts / nova-tabs

Laravel Nova Tabs Package

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Using actionable: array_key_exists(): The first argument should be either a string or an integer

uno-espet opened this issue · comments


  • PHP: 7.4.33
  • Laravel: 8.83.27
  • Nova: 4.24.2
  • Nova-tabs: 2.2.3

We are upgrading from Nova 3 to Nova 4. We have some resources using tabs. The error occur in detail view when using tabs in combination with actionable in the model. If we disable tabs, it all works fine (disabling by commenting out useTabs-trait). If we enable tabs, and disable Laravel\Nova\Actions\Actionable in the model, the tabs work fine.

All resources with tabs not using actionable works fine. All resources without tabs, using actionable, works fine.

Did we miss some important step or setting when upgrading, or is there a bug somewhere?

We have the exact same issue... All of the sudden we get this exact issue in both local and production environments.
I found that downgrading to Laravel Nova 4.23 (instead of the latest 4.24) got my tabs working again... so there must be a breaking change between Nova And Nova Tabs packages.
I have not dug deeper into it yet...

I guess that any of these changes could affect the implementation of the actions/tabs combination:

[v4.24.0 (Silver Surfer)](https://nova.laravel.com/releases/4.24.0)
Released May 04, 2023

• Added a new standalone action dropdown component next to the creation button.

• Added new "Closure Actions" feature.

• Added new "Static Actions" feature.

Release notes for 4.24.0