emidln / octohipster

A hypermedia REST HTTP API library for Clojure

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Current semantic version:

[octohipster "0.2.1-SNAPSHOT"]

octohipster Build Status

Octohipster is

It allows you to make APIs that

  • support hypermedia (HAL+JSON, Collection+JSON and Link/Link-Template HTTP headers; works with Frenetic)
  • support multiple output formats (JSON, EDN, YAML and any custom format)
  • have Swagger documentation
  • use JSON Schema for validation and documentation
  • have pagination


  • a resource is a single endpoint that accepts requests and returns responses
  • a group is a collection of resources with a single URL prefix (eg. a group /things contains resources /things/ and /things/{id}) and zero or more shared properties (usually the schema)
  • a documenter is a function that returns a resource which documents regular resources (Swagger, HAL root, etc)
  • a mixin is a function that is applied to multiple resources to give them shared behavior (eg. collection or entry behavior)
  • a response handler is a function that is used to encode response data to a particular content-type (JSON, EDN, YAML, etc.)
  • a params handler is a function that is used to decode incoming data from a particular content-type (JSON, EDN, YAML, etc.)


(ns example
  (:use [octohipster core routes mixins pagination]
        [octohipster.documenters swagger schema]
  (:import org.bson.types.ObjectId)
  (:require [monger.core :as mg]
            [monger.query :as mq]
            [monger.collection :as mc]

(mg/set-db! (mg/get-db "octohipster-example"))

;;;; The "model"
;;;;  tip: make it a separate namespace, eg. app.models.contact
(def contact-schema
  {:id "Contact"
   :type "object"
   :properties {:name {:type "string"}
                :phone {:type "integer"}}
   :required [:name]})

(defn contacts-count [] (mc/count "contacts"))
(defn contacts-all []
  (mq/with-collection "contacts"
    (mq/find {})
    (mq/skip *skip*)
    (mq/limit *limit*)))
(defn contacts-find-by-id [x] (mc/find-map-by-id "contacts" (ObjectId. x)))
(defn contacts-insert! [x]
  (let [id (ObjectId.)]
    (mc/insert "contacts" (assoc x :_id id))
    (mc/find-map-by-id "contacts" id)))
(defn contacts-update! [x old] (mc/update "contacts" old x :multi false))
(defn contacts-delete! [x] (mc/remove "contacts" x))

;;;; The resources
;; with shared pieces of documentation
(def name-param
  {:name "name", :dataType "string", :paramType "path", :required "true", :description "The name of the contact", :allowMultiple false})

(def body-param
  {:dataType "Contact", :paramType "body", :required true, :allowMultiple false})

(defresource contact-collection
  :desc "Operations with multiple contacts"
  :mixins [collection-resource]
  :clinks {:item ::contact-item}
  :data-key :contacts
  :exists? (fn [ctx] {:contacts (contacts-all)})
  :post! (fn [ctx] {:item (-> ctx :request :non-query-params contacts-insert!)})
  :count (fn [req] (contacts-count))
  :doc {:get {:nickname "getContacts", :summary "Get all contacts"}
        :post {:nickname "createContact", :summary "Create a contact"}})

(defresource contact-item
  :desc "Operations with individual contacts"
  :url "/{_id}"
  :mixins [item-resource]
  :clinks {:collection ::contact-collection}
  :data-key :contact
  :exists? (fn [ctx]
             (if-let [doc (-> ctx :request :route-params :_id contacts-find-by-id)]
               {:contact doc}))
  :put! (fn [ctx]
          (-> ctx :request :non-query-params (contacts-update! (:contact ctx)))
          {:contact (-> ctx :request :route-params :_id contacts-find-by-id)})
  :delete! (fn [ctx]
             (-> ctx :contact contacts-delete!)
             {:contact nil})
  :doc {:get {:nickname "getContact", :summary "Get a contact", :parameters [name-param]}
        :put {:nickname "updateContact", :summary "Overwrite a contact", :parameters [name-param body-param]}
        :delete {:nickname "deleteContact", :summary "Delete a contact", :parameters [name-param]}})

;;;; The group
(defgroup contact-group
  :url "/contacts"
  :add-to-resources {:schema contact-schema}  ; instead of typing the same for all resources in the group
  :resources [contact-collection contact-item])

;;;; The handler
(defroutes site
  :groups [contact-group]
  :documenters [schema-doc schema-root-doc swagger-doc swagger-root-doc])

(defn -main [] (run-server site {:port 8080}))

Also, API Documentation is available.


Copyright 2013 Greg V floatboth@me.com

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


A hypermedia REST HTTP API library for Clojure