emicklei / go-restful

package for building REST-style Web Services using Go

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Improper handling of empty POST requests.

jankyjames opened this issue · comments

When POSTing to a route without a Content-Type but the route is configured to consume some Content-Type, If there is also no body in that request, the Content-Type validation finishes without error, but candidates remains 0 resulting in the Accept handling to process.

I think normally this would be fine since it seems like there is an additional check for empty POST requests here to return a valid 415, but some clients like Postman automatically sets the header Content-Length to "0" resulting in this check getting skipped and defaulting to 406 when that isn't the issue.

I suggest either updating the check at line 158 from method == http.MethodPatch) && length == "" { to

method == http.MethodPatch) && (length == "" || length == "0") {


method == http.MethodPatch) && httpRequest.ContentLength == 0 {

The method in question is here

If you think this fixes the issue I'd be happy to submit a PR to fix this :) Just let me know!

If you think this fixes the issue I'd be happy to submit a PR to fix this :) Just let me know!

@JamesDChilds can you propose a PR? thx!