emicklei / go-restful

package for building REST-style Web Services using Go

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New release with the latest commit

vinpai opened this issue · comments

When can we expect a new release with the new commits ? Specifically, looking for one with this commit which fixes a cors issue - f292eff

Hi @vinpai , I don't this commit is fixing the issue completely. As suggested in the PR, I am thinking about making it more explicit. The allowed domains are just strings + add a function hook such that you can provide your own matching logic. Would that solve your problem?

I am actually not using this library directly, but one of the dependencies we are using is using this. Looks like adding a callback should work as then the responsibility of providing the logic would be on the user of the library. But why not make it an explicit list of domains instead ? Or was a regex match the original intention behind that param ?

@vinpai so with the PR is supports both: a callback AND an explicit list of domains.