emersion / go-imap

📥 An IMAP library for clients and servers

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How to use IDLE in v2 version?

peter-teslenko opened this issue · comments

I send IDLE command like this

	if _, err := a.imapClient.Select(reportsMbox, &imap.SelectOptions{ReadOnly: false}).Wait(); err != nil {
		return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("failed to select %s: %v", reportsMbox, err))

	idleCmd, err := a.imapClient.Idle()
	if err != nil {
		return err

But what I should do next? a.imapClient.Wait() says "imapclient: IdleCommand.Close must be called before Wait"
but a.imapClient.Close() sends DONE and exits from IDLE mode. How can I receive updates?

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