emerose / XCode-Templates

Assorted XCode templates

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

XCode template files

This project contains some simple templates for XCode. They differ from the Apple-distributed ones primarily in that:

  • they include unit test templates based on GHUnit
  • they use Doxygen-formatted comments


Run install.sh.


  • I haven't been able to figure out how to get classTest.m to #import class.h automatically.
  • Add the "Subclass of" dropdown for various useful classes
  • Maybe also make the test.m file optional, with a checkbox?


Do whatever you want with it. Let me know if you do something cool, though.


Assorted XCode templates


Language:Objective-C 67.8%Language:Shell 32.2%