emelianov / modbus-esp8266

Most complete Modbus library for Arduino. A library that allows your Arduino board to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a master, slave or both. Supports network transport (Modbus TCP) and Serial line/RS-485 (Modbus RTU). Supports Modbus TCP Security for ESP8266/ESP32.

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I would like to use a large number of callback calls (more than 300)

kellers76 opened this issue · comments

The library is really great and I get on very well with it.
I have a lot of registers in my project and therefore also a lot of callback calls.
At the moment it seems that a limit has been reached at 300 callback calls (onGetCoil and onGetHreg combined). I get an error in the Arduino IDE but without it showing exactly where the problem is. Can you maybe help me to extend the maximum calls? At the moment I need 333, but a limit of 500 would be better.

I would appreciate your feedback

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Can you provide code causing problem and information on Arduino board you are using?
ESP32 compiles and runs okay (just test code to create 400 registers and callbacks):

  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
    mb.addCoil(i);       // Add Coil. The same as mb.addCoil(COIL_BASE, false, LEN)
    mb.onSetCoil(i, cbLed); // Add callback on Coil LED_COIL value set
    if (i % 10 == 0) {
      Serial.print(": ");


thanks for your quick feedback...

I am using an ESP32-Wroom-32E with the Arduino IDE and a memory table for 3MB code, 3MB OTA and 6MB SPIFFS.

I am not sure at the moment if I have done everything right or am doing it right.
I'm not using mb.onSetCoil for the callbacks like you are but individual calls to Modbus addresses using mb.onGetCoil and mb.onGetHreg. This allows me to catch every single change and process it in different ways.

Here is an excerpt from the program code as an example:
mb.onGetHreg(901, Modbusm_pElemVal_Einstell_Temperatur_Mo1, 1);
mb.onGetHreg(912, Modbusm_pElemVal_Einstell_Temperatur_Mo2, 1);
mb.onGetHreg(920, Modbusm_pElemVal_Einstell_Temperatur_Mo3, 1);
mb.onGetHreg(930, Modbusm_pElemVal_Einstell_Temperatur_Di1, 1);
mb.onGetHreg(941, Modbusm_pElemVal_Einstell_Temperatur_Di2, 1);
mb.onGetHreg(952, Modbusm_pElemVal_Einstell_Temperatur_Di3, 1);
mb.onGetHreg(963, Modbusm_pElemVal_Einstell_Temperatur_Mi1, 1);
mb.onGetHreg(974, Modbusm_pElemVal_Einstell_Temperatur_Mi2, 1);
mb.onGetHreg(985, Modbusm_pElemVal_Einstell_Temperatur_Mi3, 1);
mb.onGetHreg(996, Modbusm_pElemVal_Einstell_Temperatur_Do1, 1);

I am not a professional, so please excuse me if I am not using the best syntax or have expressed myself incorrectly

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Unable to reproduce error even generating code of 400 separate onGet calls.
Arduino-ESP32 version tested is 2.14, Arduino IDE 1.8.19