embyt / enocean-mqtt

Receives messages from an enOcean serial interface (USB) and provides selected messages to an MQTT broker.

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ERROR 'address' with PTM200 DA

brummbaer opened this issue · comments

Can anyone help me with this?
Something is wrong with the configuration of the PTM200 DA in enocean-mqtt.
What am I doing wrong?

address         = 0x00126E5A
rorg            = 0xf6
func            = 0x02
type            = 0x02
log_learn       = 1
publish_rssi    = 1
2021-12-03 22:21:51,196 INFO: Logging to file: /enoceanmqtt/../enoceanmqtt.log
2021-12-03 22:21:51,197 INFO: Logging debug to console
2021-12-03 22:21:51,197 INFO: Loading config file /enoceanmqtt-default.conf
2021-12-03 22:21:51,198 INFO: Loading config file /config/enoceanmqtt.conf
2021-12-03 22:21:51,199 DEBUG: Created sensor: {'name': 'enocean/switch', 'address': 1207898, 'rorg': 246, 'func': 2, 'type': 2, 'log_learn': 1, 'publish_rssi': 1}
2021-12-03 22:21:51,200 DEBUG: Created sensor: {'name': 'enocean/shutter'}
2021-12-03 22:21:51,200 DEBUG: Global config: {'enocean_port': '/dev/enocean', 'log_packets': '1', 'mqtt_host': '', 'mqtt_port': '1883', 'mqtt_prefix': 'enocean/', 'mqtt_client_id': 'enocean', 'mqtt_keepalive': '60', 'mqtt_user': 'xxx', 'mqtt_pwd': '*****', 'mqtt_debug': 'true'}
2021-12-03 22:21:51,200 INFO: Authenticating: xxx
2021-12-03 22:21:51,201 DEBUG: Connecting to host, port 1883, keepalive 60
2021-12-03 22:21:51,206 INFO: SerialCommunicator started
2021-12-03 22:21:51,206 WARNING: Replacing Packet.optional with default value.
2021-12-03 22:21:51,207 DEBUG: Sending CONNECT (u1, p1, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b'enocean'
2021-12-03 22:21:51,209 DEBUG: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
2021-12-03 22:21:51,209 INFO: Succesfully connected to MQTT broker.
2021-12-03 22:21:51,209 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m1) [(b'enocean/switch/req/#', 0)]
2021-12-03 22:21:51,209 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m2) [(b'enocean/shutter/req/#', 0)]
2021-12-03 22:21:51,210 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2021-12-03 22:21:51,210 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2021-12-03 22:21:51,308 INFO: Sending packet
2021-12-03 22:21:51,308 DEBUG: 0x05 ['0x8'] [] OrderedDict()
2021-12-03 22:21:51,409 DEBUG: 0x02 ['0x0', '0xff', '0xfd', '0x7b', '0x0'] ['0xa'] OrderedDict()
2021-12-03 22:21:51,409 INFO: got response packet: OK
2021-12-03 22:21:52,011 DEBUG: 0x02 ['0x0'] [] OrderedDict()
2021-12-03 22:21:52,011 INFO: got response packet: OK
2021-12-03 22:22:51,275 DEBUG: Sending PINGREQ
2021-12-03 22:22:51,276 DEBUG: Received PINGRESP
2021-12-03 22:22:52,753 DEBUG: 00:12:6E:5A->FF:FF:FF:FF (-86 dBm): 0x01 ['0xf6', '0x30', '0x0', '0x12', '0x6e', '0x5a', '0x30'] ['0x1', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0x56', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
2021-12-03 22:22:52,756 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/enoceanmqtt/enoceanmqtt.py", line 113, in main
  File "/enoceanmqtt/communicator.py", line 265, in run
  File "/enoceanmqtt/communicator.py", line 224, in _process_radio_packet
    if enocean.utils.combine_hex(packet.sender) == cur_sensor['address']:
KeyError: 'address'

2021-12-03 22:22:52,992 DEBUG: 00:12:6E:5A->FF:FF:FF:FF (-86 dBm): 0x01 ['0xf6', '0x0', '0x0', '0x12', '0x6e', '0x5a', '0x20'] ['0x1', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0x56', '0x0'] OrderedDict()

The shutter sensor is missing the mandatory address field in the config file:
2021-12-03 22:21:51,200 DEBUG: Created sensor: {'name': 'enocean/shutter'}

This triggers the error.