embulk / embulk-output-jdbc

MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redshift and generic JDBC output plugins for Embulk

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Upgrade gradle?

nickolay opened this issue · comments

I don't normally develop in Java, so getting a dev environment set up took 90% of the time it took to create #264.

In particular, when I tried to open the project (the root build.gradle file) from this repo in IntelliJ IDEA Community 2019.2.3, and got two subsequent messages asking me to upgrade gradle:

  • Support for builds using Gradle versions older than 2.6 was removed in tooling API version 5.0
  • The project uses Gradle 2.6 which is incompatible with IDEA running on Java 10 or newer.

Upgrading it to distributionUrl=https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-4.8.1-all.zip seems to work, any reason this can't be committed in the repo?

By the way, how can I quickly test a change in the plugin? https://www.embulk.org/docs/customization.html#step-2-building-the-project only mentions ./gradlew package which doesn't work in this repo. I use ./gradlew gem, but it takes two minutes to run...

Hello, @nickolay

Embulk require Java 8. And it doesn't support Java 9 and above yet.

Have you ever tried to execute ./gradlew check for testing plugin?

Hi @hiroyuki-sato, thanks for your reply!

Embulk require Java 8. And it doesn't support Java 9 and above yet.

Yes, I recall reading about this, so I only had JDK 8 installed when I tested the newer gradle (which claims to still support Java 8).

If you mention this because of the second message about IDEA running on Java 10, I didn't think this was a problem - the IDE can run on its own, newer JRE, cannot it?

Have you ever tried to execute ./gradlew check for testing plugin?

Thanks, I tried it now. It still takes a minute on my laptop and it doesn't generate the gem, so embulk doesn't pick up my code when I run it with -L path\to\embulk-output-jdbc\embulk-output-sqlserver as recommended in the dev docs. Am I missing something?

Hello, @nickolay

Please try ./gradlew gem if you want to for generating gem.
It will generate gem package in pkg directory.

If you want to test your modification. execute like the below.

./gradlew package
embulk run -I embulk-output-sqlserver/lib/ config.yml

You can find more detail in Embulk Input Plugin Development Guide

You can find more detail in Embulk Input Plugin Development Guide

Oh, thanks! I have totally missed that link on the embulk.org homepage because it was outside of the "Customization" page. I'll try that this weekend!

Do you think gradle can be updated in this repo? If not, let's close this issue.

Hello, @nickolay

I'm not sure about gradle 5.X. but gradle 4.X may work well.
The following command update gradle to 4.1.
I don't have any concern about this
@hito4t What do you think to update gradle?

cd embulk-output-jdbc
embulk migrate .

Gradle updated to 5.0 (It will update to 6.X later)

Thanks! I guess there's no point in keeping this issue open then?

@nickolay Thanks! Due to I'm not maintainer, I couldn't close this issue