emberjs / ember-cli-babel

Ember CLI plugin for Babel

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

7.26.7 + ember-animated: Definietly assigned fields and fields with the 'declare' modifier cannot be initialized here, but only in the constructor

NullVoxPopuli opened this issue Β· comments

 Definietly assigned fields and fields with the 'declare' modifier cannot be initialized here, but only in the constructor
  74 |   _inserted = false;
  75 |
> 76 |   @service('-ea-motion')
     |   ^
  77 |   motionService!: MotionService;
  78 |
  79 |   didInsertElement() {
error log


ENV Summary:

  TIME: Wed Dec 15 2021 16:01:31 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
  TITLE: ember
  - 🏠/.volta/tools/image/node/16.13.0/bin/node
  - /βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/.bin/ember
  - s
  EXEC_PATH: 🏠/.volta/tools/image/node/16.13.0/bin/node
  TMPDIR: /tmp
  SHELL: /bin/bash
  - 🏠/.volta/tools/image/yarn/1.22.17/bin
  - 🏠/.volta/tools/image/node/16.13.0/bin
  - 🏠/.volta/bin
  - 🏠/.pyenv/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv/shims
  - 🏠/.pyenv/shims
  - 🏠/.pyenv/bin
  - /βœ‚οΈ/scripts/
  - 🏠/Applications
  - 🏠/apps/phantomjs/bin
  - 🏠/scripts/system-utils
  - 🏠/scripts/git
  - 🏠/scripts/rails
  - 🏠/scripts
  - 🏠/.volta/bin
  - 🏠/.local/bin
  - /usr/local/sbin
  - /usr/local/bin
  - /usr/sbin
  - /usr/bin
  - /sbin
  - /bin
  - /usr/games
  - /usr/local/games
  - /snap/bin
  - 🏠/.fzf/bin
  - /usr/lib/go-1.13/bin
  - /bin
  - 🏠/go/bin
  PLATFORM: linux x64
  FREEMEM: 1032192000
  TOTALMEM: 18851196928
  UPTIME: 498146.85
  LOADAVG: 6.01,3.28,1.59
  - Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz - 2400
  - Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz - 2400
  - Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz - 2400
  - Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz - 2400
  - Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz - 2400
  - Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz - 2400
  - Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz - 2400
  - Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz - 2400
  - ares: 1.17.2
  - brotli: 1.0.9
  - cldr: 39.0
  - icu: 69.1
  - llhttp: 6.0.4
  - modules: 93
  - napi: 8
  - nghttp2: 1.45.1
  - nghttp3: 0.1.0-DEV
  - ngtcp2: 0.1.0-DEV
  - node: 16.13.0
  - openssl: 1.1.1l+quic
  - tz: 2021a
  - unicode: 13.0
  - uv: 1.42.0
  - v8:
  - zlib: 1.2.11

ERROR Summary:

  - broccoliBuilderErrorStack: SyntaxError: /βœ‚οΈ/my-app/ember-animated/components/animated-beacon.ts: Definietly assigned fields and fields with the 'declare' modifier cannot be initialized here, but only in the constructor
  74 |   _inserted = false;
  75 |
> 76 |   @service('-ea-motion')
     |   ^
  77 |   motionService!: MotionService;
  78 |
  79 |   didInsertElement() {
    at File.buildCodeFrameError (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/file/file.js:249:12)
    at NodePath.buildCodeFrameError (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/path/index.js:139:21)
    at Object.field (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/ember-animated/node_modules/@babel/plugin-transform-typescript/lib/index.js:69:22)
    at /βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/ember-animated/node_modules/@babel/plugin-transform-typescript/lib/index.js:280:33
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at PluginPass.Class (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/ember-animated/node_modules/@babel/plugin-transform-typescript/lib/index.js:272:31)
    at newFn (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/visitors.js:177:21)
    at NodePath._call (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:53:20)
    at NodePath.call (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:40:17)
    at NodePath.visit (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:100:31)
  - code: [undefined]
  - codeFrame: /βœ‚οΈ/my-appy/ember-animated/components/animated-beacon.ts: Definietly assigned fields and fields with the 'declare' modifier cannot be initialized here, but only in the constructor
  74 |   _inserted = false;
  75 |
> 76 |   @service('-ea-motion')
     |   ^
  77 |   motionService!: MotionService;
  78 |
  79 |   didInsertElement() {
  - errorMessage: ember-animated/components/animated-beacon.ts: /βœ‚οΈ/my-app/ember-animated/components/animated-beacon.ts: Definietly assigned fields and fields with the 'declare' modifier cannot be initialized here, but only in the constructor
  74 |   _inserted = false;
  75 |
> 76 |   @service('-ea-motion')
     |   ^
  77 |   motionService!: MotionService;
  78 |
  79 |   didInsertElement() {
        in /tmp/broccoli-2291805DEFcpumdhqTh/out-0706-analyzer_ember_auto_import_analyzer
        at broccoli-persistent-filter:Babel > [Babel: ember-animated] (Babel: ember-animated)
  - errorType: Build Error
  - location:
    - column: [undefined]
    - file: ember-animated/components/animated-beacon.ts
    - line: [undefined]
    - treeDir: /tmp/broccoli-2291805DEFcpumdhqTh/out-0706-analyzer_ember_auto_import_analyzer
  - message: ember-animated/components/animated-beacon.ts: /βœ‚οΈ/my-app/ember-animated/components/animated-beacon.ts: Definietly assigned fields and fields with the 'declare' modifier cannot be initialized here, but only in the constructor
  74 |   _inserted = false;
  75 |
> 76 |   @service('-ea-motion')
     |   ^
  77 |   motionService!: MotionService;
  78 |
  79 |   didInsertElement() {
        in /tmp/broccoli-2291805DEFcpumdhqTh/out-0706-analyzer_ember_auto_import_analyzer
        at broccoli-persistent-filter:Babel > [Babel: ember-animated] (Babel: ember-animated)
  - name: Error
  - nodeAnnotation: Babel: ember-animated
  - nodeName: broccoli-persistent-filter:Babel > [Babel: ember-animated]
  - originalErrorMessage: /βœ‚οΈ/my-app/ember-animated/components/animated-beacon.ts: Definietly assigned fields and fields with the 'declare' modifier cannot be initialized here, but only in the constructor
  74 |   _inserted = false;
  75 |
> 76 |   @service('-ea-motion')
     |   ^
  77 |   motionService!: MotionService;
  78 |
  79 |   didInsertElement() {
  - stack: SyntaxError: /βœ‚οΈ/my-app/ember-animated/components/animated-beacon.ts: Definietly assigned fields and fields with the 'declare' modifier cannot be initialized here, but only in the constructor
  74 |   _inserted = false;
  75 |
> 76 |   @service('-ea-motion')
     |   ^
  77 |   motionService!: MotionService;
  78 |
  79 |   didInsertElement() {
    at File.buildCodeFrameError (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/file/file.js:249:12)
    at NodePath.buildCodeFrameError (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/path/index.js:139:21)
    at Object.field (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/ember-animated/node_modules/@babel/plugin-transform-typescript/lib/index.js:69:22)
    at /βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/ember-animated/node_modules/@babel/plugin-transform-typescript/lib/index.js:280:33
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at PluginPass.Class (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/ember-animated/node_modules/@babel/plugin-transform-typescript/lib/index.js:272:31)
    at newFn (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/visitors.js:177:21)
    at NodePath._call (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:53:20)
    at NodePath.call (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:40:17)
    at NodePath.visit (/βœ‚οΈ/my-app/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:100:31)


The code that this comes from:

export default class AnimatedBeacon extends Component {
  name: string | undefined;

  layout: TemplateFactory = layout;
  tagName = '';
  _inserted = false;

  motionService!: MotionService;

  didInsertElement() {


I don't see declare 🀷

I probably need to figure out some lockfile changes (big monorepo, so I can't just re-roll it)

I'm seeing this same issue even after upgrading all of my @babel/* and caniuse-lite sub-dependencies as suggested in #425 (comment)

same, I've even been trying to minimally reproduce the issue with:

// This file is only tested with Node 12+
/* eslint-disable node/no-unsupported-features/es-syntax */
'use strict';

const fs = require('fs/promises');
const os = require('os');
const path = require('path');
const execa = require('execa');

const root = path.join(__dirname, '..');

async function runTest() {
  let tmpDirectory = await fs.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'ember-cli-babel-ember-new-test'));
  let appName = 'my-app';
  let appRoot = path.join(tmpDirectory, appName);
  // Must be fully type-valid or else ember-cli crashes
  // https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-cli/issues/9584
  let decoratorsExample = `
  import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import type RouterService from '@ember/routing/router-service';

export class A {
  @service declare router: RouterService;
  @service('router') _router!: RouterService;

  get queryParams() {
    return this.router.currentRoute.queryParams;

  await execa('yarn', ['link'], { cwd: root, stdio: 'inherit' });
  await execa('npx', ['ember-cli', 'new', appName, '--yarn', '--skip-git'], { cwd: tmpDirectory, stdio: 'inherit' });
  await execa('ember', ['install', 'ember-cli-typescript'], { cwd: appRoot, stdio: 'inherit' });
  // await execa('yarn', ['add', '@babel/preset-env@7.16.5'], { cwd: appRoot, stdio: 'inherit' });
  // await execa('yarn', ['add', 'caniuse-lite@1.0.30001287'], { cwd: appRoot, stdio: 'inherit' });
  await execa('yarn', ['link', 'ember-cli-babel'], { cwd: appRoot, stdio: 'inherit' });
  await fs.writeFile(path.join(appRoot, 'app', 'decorators-example.ts'), decoratorsExample);
  await execa('ember', ['test'], { cwd: appRoot, stdio: 'inherit' });


but no dice.
It may be specific to the addon trees πŸ€”


Stumbled upon this error today after updating ember-cli-babel to the latest version (7.26.11).

Apparently this is resolved but I'm not sure how.