ember-polyfills / ember-angle-bracket-invocation-polyfill

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ember-cli-htmlbars-inline-precompile Caveat

jherdman opened this issue · comments

I had an integration test I copied from your test suite to debug why my angle bracket component wasn't working:

    this.owner.register('template:components/foo-bar', hbs`hi martin!`);

    await render(hbs`<FooBar />`);

    assert.dom().hasText('hi martin!');

The resultant HTML was:


I resolved the issue by bumping ember-cli-htmlbars-inline-precompile to ^1.0.3 from ^1.0.0. Perhaps this should be added to the README?

Yes, we should definitely smooth this over. I think we can add that to the README, but I also think we should issue a warning if we detect that the older version is being used.

What do you think?