emakefun / MotorDriverBoard

Arduino Uno/Mega2560 MotorDriverBoard

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mBlock 5 extension

zYl0riC opened this issue · comments

hi emakefun,

I like your great MotorDriverBoard. Currently I got some trouble to use the s2e-extension from old mBlock version in the current version 5. The new version got an own extension manager and a new ext-structure (with .json and index.js file)
Is it possible to add a mBlock5 extension in the scratch/mBlock folder.

Would be great.
Best regards

Hola: Tengo un shield Emakefun MotorDriveBoard V5.0 y no se como puedo acceder para subir sketchs o modifiucar los ejemplos; no se que librería utilizar. Ayuda por favor.


i can't add this extension in mblock 5 ( File error , Install Filed )

add it