emadtandis / solids4foam

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solids4foam - a finite volume toolbox for solid mechanics and fluid solid interaction simulations

What is this repository for?

solids4foam is toolbox for OpenFOAM with capabilities for solid mechanics and fluid solid interactions.

How do I get set up?

To get setup, you must first have foam-extend-4.0 installed, details of which can be found on the OpenFOAM Wiki at: https://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Installation Once foam-extend-4.0 has been installed, download solids4Foam and change to the foam-extend-4.0 branch using the command: $> git checkout foam-extend-4.0 then run the enclosed Allwmake script to compile soldis4Foam. Note: the master branch is for foam-extend-3.2 but is not up-to-date. Note2: the of30parFSIwip branch compiles with OpenFOAM-3.0.1 and includes some of the functionality.

Contribution guidelines

If you would like to contribute code and/or test cases to solids4foam, please email philip.cardiff@ucd.ie.

Who do I talk to?

solids4foam is developed by Philip Cardiff and Zeljko Tukovic Emails: philip.cardiff@ucd.ie and zeljko.tukovic@fsb.hr

Where can I find more information?

A number of the tutorial cases are described in the following publications:

P. Cardiff, A Karac, P. De Jaeger, H. Jasak, J. Nagy, A. Ivankovic, Ž. Tukovc: An open-source finite volume toolbox for solid mechanics and fluid-solid interaction simulations. Computer Programs in Physics, Computer Physics Communications, 2017, Under review.

Ž. Tuković, A. Karač, P. Cardiff, H. Jasak, A. Ivanković: Parallel unstruct red finite-volume method for fluid-structure interaction in OpenFOAM. Transaction of FAMENA, 2016, Under review.

P. Cardiff, A Karac, P. De Jaeger, H. Jasak, J. Nagy, A. Ivankovic, Z. Tukovic: Towards the Development of an Extendable Solid Mechanics and Fluid-Solid Interactions Toolbox for OpenFOAM. 12th OpenFOAM Workshop University of Exeter, Exeter, UK. 24th to 27th July 2017.

P. Cardiff, Ž. Tuković, H. Jasak, A. Ivanković: A block-coupled finite vol me methodology for linear elasticity and unstructured meshes. Computers and Structures, 2016, 175 100-122, DOI: 10.1016/- j.compstruc.2016.07.004.

P. Cardiff, Ž. Tuković, P. De Jaeger, M. Clancy, A. Ivanković: A Lagrang an cell-centred finite volume method for metal forming simulation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2016, DOI: 10.1002/nme.5345.

P. Cardiff, A. Karać, A. Ivanković: A Large Strain Finite Volume Method f r Orthotropic Bodies with General Material Orientations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 01/2014, 268(1):318-335. DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2013.09.008.

P. Cardiff, A. Karać, A. Ivanković: Development of a Finite Volume contact solv r based on the penalty method. Computational Materials Science, 03/2014, 64:283–284. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.03.011.

T. Tang, O. Hededal, P. Cardiff, On Finite Volume method implementation of poro- elasto-plasticity soil model. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/nag.2361.

Ž. Tuković, P. Cardiff, A. Karač, H. Jasak, A. Ivanković: OpenFOAM Library for Fluid-Structure Interaction. 9th OpenFOAM Workshop, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 06/2014.



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