emadeldeen24 / TS-TCC

[IJCAI-21] "Time-Series Representation Learning via Temporal and Contextual Contrasting"

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About ACC =0

holydick99 opened this issue · comments

Hi, maybe there something wrong in my step. It's like the train.pt and other file is empty? So I wanna know the data.csv in TS-TCC/TS-TCC-main/data_preprocessing/epilepsy/data_files is the data inneed or I need download this dataset(offical webiste is 403 NOT FOUND)?

And other question how to control the percentage of label in semi-supervised train. And how to see trian & valid acc of model training use different label proportions

QML}Y0CSAEX~A%F)NZAB26O Hi, maybe there something wrong in my step. It's like the train.pt and other file is empty? So I wanna know the data.csv in TS-TCC/TS-TCC-main/data_preprocessing/epilepsy/data_files is the data inneed or I need download this dataset(offical webiste is 403 NOT FOUND)?

more information

this other train model can run normally, only self_supervised is ACC=0

F%9_~J}INR`2A$WD2VQ4E1J 这个其他的训练模型都能正常运行,只是self_supervised是ACC=0

I met the same problem, any solution?

还有一些问题是如何控制半监督列车中标签的百分比。以及如何查看模型训练的trian和valid acc使用不同的标签比例


i have the same promblem

There's no problem. The SSL part, we don't need validation loss and there's no labels to calc accuarcy

And other question how to control the percentage of label in semi-supervised train. And how to see trian & valid acc of model training use different label proportions

refer to CA-TCC repository to find a script for that.