Unable to reproduce pre-processing for HAR, Sleep-EDF, Epilepsy datasets
gorold opened this issue · comments
Hi, thanks for releasing your code! I am trying to reproduce the results from the paper, as well as extend to other datasets, but run into some problems due to insufficient information to recreate the datasets.
- Code for pre-processing the HAR dataset is missing. Furthermore, the HAR dataset linked in the README.md comes with 561 dimensions, whereas the config file indicates 9 input channels.
- Code for pre-processing the Sleep-EDF dataset does not result in files which match the description in the README.md nor the dataloader code.
- Code for pre-processing the Epilepsy dataset only results in train.pt and test.pt, missing a val.pt file as indicated in the README.md and dataloader code.
- Also, is it possible to include a requirements.txt file, because it seems that some libraries being used are not backward compatible. The latest version of mne does not have scaling_time as an argument to raw.to_data_frame.
Thank you!
thank you for reaching me out and reporting these issues.
I solved all your issues ... please check the updated version of README file as well as preprocessing files.
The Sleep EDF dataset contains two folders, i.e., sleep-cassette and sleep-telemetry. I am wondering which folder you used exactly, or you use the data from both two folders. Thanks.
I used sleep-cassette .. more specifically these files .