emacs-evil / evil

The extensible vi layer for Emacs.

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'f' (search forward) becomes ';' repeat search on second search

jf opened this issue · comments

Issue type

  • Bug report


Emacs version: GNU Emacs 29.1 (build 1, aarch64-apple-darwin23.2.0, Carbon Version 170 AppKit 2487.3) of 2024-04-10
Operating System: macOS Sonoma
Evil version: Evil version 1.15.0
Evil installation type: ehh, no idea. Came with Doom Emacs
Graphical/Terminal: graphical
Tested in a make emacs session (see CONTRIBUTING.md): No

Reproduction steps

  • open any text file with a reasonable amount of chars in one line (e.g. "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.")
  • position cursor at front of line
  • press f e
  • press f o

Expected behavior

I expect for f to do a forward search. Always.

Actual behavior

But the second f, instead of allowing me to search for another char, simply behaves like ;, so that instead of f o doing a search for o, I get ; o, and I open a new line under the cursor.

I am unable to reproduce using make emacs. You may be better off posting to the Doom Emacs issue tracker instead.

I can't replicate this with just evil. I'm almost certain, as you're using Doom, that this behaviour comes from https://github.com/hlissner/evil-snipe