emacs-evil / evil

The extensible vi layer for Emacs.

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How do I set a goal column in Evil?

LemonBreezes opened this issue · comments


Hi. I'm just wondering if there is an analogue of set-goal-column in Evil for column editing?

No, but evil-next-/previous-line already respect goal-column, and there are other more "Vim-iomatic" ways of doing column editing. Did you have a specific use case in mind?

No, but evil-next-/previous-line already respect goal-column, and there are other more "Vim-iomatic" ways of doing column editing. Did you have a specific use case in mind?

Yeah, I wanted to insert numbers for music tracks in Dired and what came to mind was using kmacro and goal-column to delete the numbers that were already there but C-x C-n is bound in insert state so I got the idea that Vim users never needed that command.