emacs-evil / evil-surround

you will be surrounded (surround.vim for evil, the extensible vi layer)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The linewise visual mode example in the readme doesn't seem to work

johnhamelink opened this issue · comments

Given the following text, with point at start of line:

<em>Hello</em> World!

Running VS<p class="important"> produces:

evil-surround-pair: Args out of range: #("Hello " 0 5 (fontified t) 5 6 (fontified t)), nil, 20

Hi @johnhamelink sorry you've had no reply on this. I can't replicate this. Do you still get this if you have a minimal emacs setup (just emacs, evil and evil-surround)? Just trying to eliminate the possibility some other config in your init.el is interfering.