emacs-evil / evil-magit

Black magic or evil keys for magit

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Commit message window cannot be finished from a key binding

ChoppinBlockParty opened this issue · comments


I have staged the files, pressed c, commit message with a diff window have opened, I have wrote a commit message, saved the buffer. After that whatever I do I cannot finish the commit. The only way to finally commit it was was typing with-editor-finish. What is a binding to finish the commit? If there is no one, please, advise, I was thinking to bind q as a finishing binding, how can I make such binding?

evil-magit doesn't touch the with-editor bindings. The default one for completing a commit is C-c C-c. There should be a message that reports the binding when you open the commit buffer. You can also use C-h f with-editor-finish RET in a commit buffer to find out where the function is currently bound for you.


Thank you for the answer. I am new in Emacs. Could you suggest a function that would bind q for that in the commit message buffer?

To bind q in normal state,

(with-eval-after-load 'with-editor
  (evil-define-key 'normal with-editor-mode-map "q" 'with-editor-finish))

Fantastic, thank you.