emacs-evil / evil-ediff

Make ediff a little more evil

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More evil bindings?

Ambrevar opened this issue · comments

I find the current bindings a tad too Emacs-ish:

n/p is Emacs-oriented, it's j/k in the vi world. They are the most used keys.
j/k is currently bound to evil-ediff-scroll-up-1 / evil-ediff-scroll-down-1, which is usually bound to C-e / C-y. You don't need it that much in Ediff.

My suggestion is to remap as follows:

  • j -> C-e
  • k -> C-y
  • n -> j
  • p -> k

I like the suggestion. @TheBB any thoughts?

I like it too, although I haven't used ediff so much that I really have a big opinion.

I'm using it a big lot these days! The key binding suggestion makes ediff a real bliss, especially when switching context, in my humble opinion :)