emacs-evil / evil-collection

A set of keybindings for evil-mode

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When using orgmode in the terminal, tab reports 'evil-jump-forward' in normal state instead of org-cycle

JohnWick95 opened this issue · comments

But If I disable evil-collection and I add the following to my evil config:

  (evil-define-key 'normal org-mode-map
    (kbd "TAB") 'org-cycle
    (kbd "S-TAB") 'org-shifttab)

then, pressing tab does send org-cycle. evil-collection-org.el already has this binding so don't know where the issue is here.

Missed the following from the readme:

Ensure terminal compatibility without sacrificing GUI key bindings.
Tab key
Tab key is recognized as in GUI and TAB in terminal. TAB equals C-i.
C-i is bound to jumping forward for vim compatibility. If Shift+Tab is not relevant, just bind g TAB to the function that Tab is bound to. If Shift+Tab is relevant, bind g] and g TAB to the function that Tab is bound to, and bind g[ to the function that Shift+Tab is bound to for terminal compatibility.