emacs-evil / evil-collection

A set of keybindings for evil-mode

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Add keybinding for `mu4e-compose-wide-reply`

lzmartinico opened this issue · comments

mu4e version 1.12 has added a mu4e-compose-wide-reply for reply all, which is bound to W by default. Currently, W is bound to evil-forward-WORD-begin, which is not very useful in mu4e:headers mode (and the corresponding B binding for evil-backward-WORD-begin is taken over for a mu4e keybinding). For consistency, W should be mapped to the new reply function.
Additionally, it would make sense to add the g B and g W bindings to evil-{forward|backward}-WORD-beginrespectively

mu4e version 1.12 has added a mu4e-compose-wide-reply for reply all, which is bound to W by default. Currently, W is bound to evil-forward-WORD-begin, which is not very useful in mu4e:headers mode (and the corresponding B binding for evil-backward-WORD-begin is taken over for a mu4e keybinding). For consistency, W should be mapped to the new reply function. Additionally, it would make sense to add the g B and g W bindings to evil-{forward|backward}-WORD-beginrespectively

Just made #792 to resolve this. Not sure about binding g B and g W though they would not conflict with Doom Emacs keybindings.