Cannot use normal state keymap in diff-hl popup
JiaweiChenC opened this issue · comments
JiaweiChenC commented
When we invoke a diff-hl popup, it is expected that we can move around with the prompt keys, but these keymaps do not work.
Possible reason:
In evil-collection-diff-hl file:
It seems that the variable diff-hl-show-hunk--inline-popup-map is not used anywhere else.
A possible solution might be just to move the hunk-related command under diff-hl-inline-popup-transient-mode-map.
JiaweiChenC commented
I just found the reason that this doesn't work. I believe around two years ago, they changed the command name, and I think it should work if we just follow the new name.
Link: dgutov/diff-hl@2ded28e#diff-3eb89b676c56131c137e621b931595b62274106922bdcbb718141cf8a0fa2969
JiaweiChenC commented
Solved in commit #758