emacs-evil / evil-cleverparens

Evil normal-state minor-mode for editing lisp-like languages

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

x on parenthesis not working in some cases

justbur opened this issue · comments

Test case

(["]a" "b")

I'm not sure what's going on here, and I don't have time to test a bunch of cases right now, but if you hit x from the state above you get this which is not what I expected.

("[a]" "b")

Can confirm I'm seeing this as well. Deleting opening quotes does not splice the sexp.

Additionally, x on the closing quote just imbalances the quotes:

("a["] "b")

("a[ ]"b")

I've looked at this a little bit and I think it might be a bug in a function which needs step-through debugging to fix, and I haven't had much time to dive into it. I'll give it another go later.

I've also noticed some weird behavior with strings in other places as well, which I think are due to smartparens, so I'll try to make a note of when that happens again and submit an issue upstream. I think these two are a problem with evil-cleverparens however.