emacs-evil / evil-cleverparens

Evil normal-state minor-mode for editing lisp-like languages

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

handling comments

justbur opened this issue · comments

Hi again,

I was wondering if there was a way to intelligently deal with comments. Here's an example

(let (a)
  ;; a is ...
  (setq a 1))

Try dd on the last line. The closing paren moves into the comment and now we have a problem and need a manual fix. Is it possible to jump the comment or put the closing paren before the comment? Something that would keep the expression valid.

I would be fine with this result too

(let (a)
  ;; a is ...

Turned out to be a rather easy fix :)

Thanks! I thought it might be