emaadmanzoor / bib2sqlite

Programming languages and compilers course project. Compiles a BibTex file into a sqlite3 database binary.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

 A Rudimentary Bibtex Query Processor

	Author: Emaad Ahmed Manzoor (2008A7PS068G)

 Quick Start

	$ make compiler
	$ ./compiler EMOO.bib
	$ make query
	$ ./query "select * from bibtab;"

 Generated Files

	Intermediate File: out.sql
	Generated Database: bibtex.db
	Table Of Bibtex Entries: bibtab
 Supported Queries

	The query processor is sqlite3, so 
	all sqlite3 queries are supported.

	- TeX macros of the form \<macro> are 
	retained, but all internal single 
	quotes are stripped out, including 
	the ones of the form \'.
	- All braces are stripped out.
	- Valgrind reports:
	*definitely lost: 582,790 bytes*
	This is when run on EMOO.bib, all 
	from "compiler.l", at the line:
	318: yylval.str = strdup(yytext);
	I'm not happy with this, I did spend 
	hours cleaning up my pointers, but 
	I hope it's enough for now, to get 
	by in a relative grading scenario.

	Query processer taken from the sqlite3 
	amalgamated source tarball.
	sqlite3 C wrapper from sqlite3.org.

 "bibtab" Columns

	bibtype      TEXT,	label        TEXT,	author       TEXT,
	editor       TEXT,	booktitle    TEXT,	title        TEXT,
	crossref     TEXT,	chapter      TEXT,	journal      TEXT,
	volume       TEXT,	type         TEXT,	number       TEXT,
	institution  TEXT,	organization TEXT,	publisher    TEXT,
	school       TEXT,	address      TEXT,	edition      TEXT,
	pages        TEXT,	day          TEXT,	month        TEXT,
	year         TEXT,	CODEN        TEXT,	DOI          TEXT,
	ISBN         TEXT,	ISBN13       TEXT,	ISSN         TEXT,
	LCCN         TEXT,	MRclass      TEXT,	MRnumber     TEXT,
	MRreviewer   TEXT,	bibdate      TEXT,	bibsource    TEXT,
	note         TEXT,	series       TEXT,	URL          TEXT,
	abstract     TEXT,	keywords     TEXT,	remark       TEXT,
	subject      TEXT,	TOC          TEXT,	ZMnumber     TEXT

 $ make compiler  --> | compiler (binary) |

 $ ./compiler EMOO.bib  --> | out.sql |
                        +------------------+     +-----------+
      $ make query  --> | sqlite3 (binary) | --> | bibtex.db |
                        +------------------+     +-----------+
       |                  ^
  +----+                  |
  |                       |
  |  +------------+     ....................
  |  |  query.c   |     :   cat out.sql    :
  |  +------------+     :..................:
  |    |
  |    |
  |    v
  |  +------------+     +------------------+
  +> | sqlite3.o  | --> |  query (binary)  |
     +------------+     +------------------+
                                       +----------------+     +---------------+
 $ ./query "select * from bibtab"  --> | query (binary) | --> | Query Results |
                                       +----------------+     +---------------+
                                       |   bibtex.db    |


Programming languages and compilers course project. Compiles a BibTex file into a sqlite3 database binary.


Language:C 100.0%