elston / chatler

Docker MongoDb React Socket.io chat

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Web games platfrom


  • Docker
  • MongoDb 3.5
  • Nodejs 8.3
  • React, Redux, thunk, react-router-redux
  • socket.io


  • separate apps orientation schema in project
  • full es6 syntax
  • decorators like python (@) :)
  • async/await in redux actions
  • jwt authentication
  • registration over email
  • async/await in backend controllers
  • customized error in backand controllers (again like a python :)
  • NGINX config for production!!!!! ))))

Getting Started with Docker and Docker Compose for Local Development

Install Docker


Install Docker Compose


Install the app's

In the project ./book/dev/ (where the Makefile file is located), run:

1. Build
make build_all
2. bootstrap
make bootstrap_all
3. db
make shell_mongoshell
mongo storage:27017/admin -u adminmaster -p passmaster
mongo storage:27017/chatler -u usermaster -p passmaster

After that we have for develop

To run any command inside the Django Docker container, simply prepend:

make shell_fronter

This will start the containers in the debug mode. And then in container run:


After that, open browswer and link localhost:8080

Addition commands

When you need run all containers :

make up

!!! only in production environment ( in book/prod catalog)

When you need finish all containers:

make down

For help all make commands

make help

View the images

make images

View the volumes

make volumes

Clear untagged Docker containers

make clear

To view runing Docker containers

make ps

Some screenshots...

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Docker MongoDb React Socket.io chat


Language:JavaScript 80.2%Language:Makefile 12.6%Language:CSS 6.0%Language:Shell 0.8%Language:HTML 0.5%