elrumo / macOS_Big_Sur_icons_replacements

Replacement icons for popular apps in the style of macOS Big Sur

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can't download any icons

bastinald opened this issue · comments

your cdn is fucked


Hey everyone! There were some issues with the hosting provider so the server was down for a few hours, yesterday it finally went back up, but something must have changed to the network because I can't seem to start the MongoDB where all the icons are stored. I'm trying to work it out.

PS. This happened on my first day of holidays, so I might be a bit slow to respond...

#1281 (comment)

Any estimated timeframe @elrumo?

I think hes on vacation. When he gets back if he can provide the errors he is getting from mongoDB I can tell him how to fix it.


@bastinald I'm thinking of migrating the DB to MongoDB Atlas, so it's managed for me and I don't need to worry about it. It'll cost some money but it'll hopefully free my time a bit, I have exported the database as a bunch of bson and json files, would you know how to import that using mongorestore to Atlas? Or point me towards the right direction?

@bastinald I'm thinking of migrating the DB to MongoDB Atlas, so it's managed for me and I don't need to worry about it. It'll cost some money but it'll hopefully free my time a bit, I have exported the database as a bunch of bson and json files, would you know how to import that using mongorestore to Atlas? Or point me towards the right direction?



I managed to get that working, but although it restored everything correctly, including all the files, the files don't seem to be working properly, so https://media.macosicons.com/parse/files/macOSicons/23ec134b7dd846c9b9d89511305b34cb_SD_Clone.icns isn't pointing to the actual file anymore. I can always reimport them to the DB, not a massive issue.

The biggest issue right now is that I'm getting an error when trying to upload any files, this is the error I get from the Nginx server:

2021/08/25 08:50:45 [error] 3493562#3493562: *266330 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client: ********, server: macosicons.com, request: "GET /parse/files/macOSicons/e5202e92085aecbbe1b14c4d68181724_low_res_ADBlock_Pro___Safari_Extension.png HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "media.macosicons.com", referrer: "https://macosicons.com/"

This is the error that gets logged on chrome when trying to upload new files:
CleanShot 2021-08-25 at 17 56 25

And this is my Nginx configuration (already tried with the line that's commented out, it then gives me an error saying that it can't have two CORS headers):
CleanShot 2021-08-24 at 21 22 24

Apologies for the slow replies, but like I said I'm away on holiday until early next week. Let me know if there's any more info you'd need and I'll try my best to provide it as soon as I can.

Nginx has to be compiled with http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpHeadersModule

location ~* \.(icns)$ {
    add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;

As for Vue, you may need to specify a proxy:

module.exports = {
  devServer: {
        proxy: 'https://macosicons.com',

@bastinald I'll try that, but the weird thing is that it worked perfectly fine before I started using MongoDB Atlas instead of the local one that ran on the server. Do you think it could be something to do with MongoDB?

@elrumo some things to consider:

  • make sure you're connecting to the correct atlas URL in your config
  • consider using a CORS middleware package, such as https://yarnpkg.com/package/cors
  • add your server IP address to the mongodb whitelist (use for all IP's)
  • add the CORS (access control origin) headers to the media site using a JS library
  • use atlas via the API instead of direct connection (https://docs.atlas.mongodb.com/configure-api-access/)
  • make sure you reboot server after you make changes

@bastinald I'm finally back home and had some time to look at it, and I think the problem has to do with files. I can create, read and destroy data from MongoDB, but not files. I've tried uploading a file directly from the Parse Server dashboard (the backend I'm using, Parse, which is what uses MongoDB to store all the data). I think the CORS error shown on the browser is just a generic one and not related to CORS.

I get a generic timeout (524) error when trying to upload a file from directly the dashboard:

Any thoughts or ideas on handling file uploads? Before the server went down I used a local MongoDB instance, now I'm using an Atlas instance and that's when the problems started.

Hello. I suppose you know this, but most icons work now. There are still some that just lead to a white page. Several firefox icons are examples of this:

  • They appear white in the search result list: the request for the png yields 404
  • They just show a blank page when you click on them. There are JS errors in the console (different errors in Chrome and Firefox)

Hi everyone, just like @teogeos mentioned, a number of icons are still not showing. Sadly none of mine do, and I know more users are facing the same problem, even those with no Firefox icons. I don't feel comfortable uploading more icons until the issue is sorted.

Edit- icons uploaded between the 7th of July and mid August are mostly down, but there's a few exceptions here and there. If you still need a hand with anything let us know @elrumo


Hi all, to avoid future downtime I migrated the data to a managed MongoDB Atlas database, all the data was transferred successfully except for the indexes, so that's why the files are not showing on the website, but they're all safe. I even have local copies of all of them on my laptop.

This past week I moved to a new flat and started a new job, so I haven't had as much time to work on a fix, but today I started te-uploading the files so they should all be back up within their next day or so. I'll keep you all updated.